Friday, January 25, 2019

"Each person sums up..."

                                        my neighbors in the mountains for years

there was not a
thunder of hippos

or a huddle of walruses

or a smack of jelly-fish

or a romp of otters

or a fez of armadillos

but there were jays and chipmunks a plenty

recently I heard some critisism concerning a
music recommendation I made
I think the critisism was due to the subject
of the song in question
I could have recommended a very popular song
from a famous musical
the song is called
a very catchy tune about a fellow who stabs people to death
but art includes all kinds of subjects 

there is a term I heard which is juvenoia
according to the definition that I was given
this means an unfounded fear of corrupting youth
by exposing them to unrestricted information
we all might be corrupted I suppose if we dont
use our brains and investigate things we hear
not just youth

i will recommend a guitar player who is probably
the best one I have ever heard
his name is

"Each person sums up a whole range of very personal
experiances so that their life is a very unique problem
needing very individual kinds of solutions." William James

got to go


Saturday, January 19, 2019

"No person ever looks at the world..."


I don't mean to be braggadocios but I have recently moved into a rather elite
we have, as many fashionable neighborhoods do these days, chickens living free
range...not many eggs yet however.
and a nice lake adjacent to the estate... Narrow Lake, I believe it is called
and I have a rare my yard. 
Also (not pictured) I have  a flush toilet,
although it does not flush, but the bottom opens up when you put your foot on a 
lever near the floor. Very modern.
I do miss the wild which I usually inhabit but I am enjoying this temporary luxury.
Not to be braggadocios.  

"No person ever looks at the world with pristine eyes.
They see it edited by a definite set of customs and institutions
and ways of thinking."  Ruth Benedict

Professor Barbenfoulillis

go to 
go to the moon


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

"I don't mind being held up..."

as usual my writing has been pilfered and my photography stolen.
However I will still post my writing when I can figure out
how to get it out of my thumbdrive.
better late than never.

"I don't mind being held up, But I don't like
being inconvenienced."  Flower Belle Lee

got to go
Guthbert J. Twillie

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

"Wise is the man..."

found this article to be very enlightening
perhaps you will find it to be helpful also

"Wise is the man who knows what profiteth
not he who knows much." Aeschelus

got to go

Friday, January 4, 2019

"A man is never on trial..."

                                          fox has begun bringing his own bowl...

read a good article about the Russian experiment to domesticate foxes
It went much faster than expected and now there is a breed of fox as tame
as a dog.
Some animals respond to people more than others and dogs are supposed
to have been domesticated when some of the wolves which followed
hunters became less afraid and eventually their pups were caught and
thus began the domestication of what we now refer to as "dogs".

"A single gene can profoundly alter behavior, especially when it affects
the threshold of response or level of excitability." E.O. Wilson

a lot of people laughed at officer Patrick McGovern when he entered
a burning shed to rescue a chicken which lived there but it was an act
of compassion and a heroic deed.

As for BLAKE FISCHER of of Idaho fish and game who went to Africa
and killed (he said he harvested them) a family of 4 baboons with his bow
and arrow and then also killed  a giraffe, a leopard, an impala, a waterbuck
a kudu, a warthog, a gemsbok and an eland.
What is this fellow thinking about? I have worked with all of these animals except
the warthog and to kill one for sport seems a bit primitive...real primitive actually.

I read a good article about "OBAYSCH" the hippo that lived in the London zoo in1849.
He eventually got a wife named Adhela and they had a baby named Miss Guy who lived
36 years.
I worked with a Nile river hippo named Bertha when I was 15 years old and a zookeeper.
I used to let her chase me around the hippo pool and we had great fun. One day
I was in the hippo house and had stuck my head through the horizontal bars that
went across the front of the hippo pool. Suddenly Bertha came up out of the pool
and opened her mouth very wide and my head was inside her mouth. Her top and
bottom teeth  were stopped from closing because of the bars. I always wondered if she
would have bitten my head off if she could have. I never put my head through the bars again.

"A man is never on trial as in the moment of excessive good fortune."

well got to go
waiting for Oumuamua

Nicholas Chauvin