Friday, January 25, 2019

"Each person sums up..."

                                        my neighbors in the mountains for years

there was not a
thunder of hippos

or a huddle of walruses

or a smack of jelly-fish

or a romp of otters

or a fez of armadillos

but there were jays and chipmunks a plenty

recently I heard some critisism concerning a
music recommendation I made
I think the critisism was due to the subject
of the song in question
I could have recommended a very popular song
from a famous musical
the song is called
a very catchy tune about a fellow who stabs people to death
but art includes all kinds of subjects 

there is a term I heard which is juvenoia
according to the definition that I was given
this means an unfounded fear of corrupting youth
by exposing them to unrestricted information
we all might be corrupted I suppose if we dont
use our brains and investigate things we hear
not just youth

i will recommend a guitar player who is probably
the best one I have ever heard
his name is

"Each person sums up a whole range of very personal
experiances so that their life is a very unique problem
needing very individual kinds of solutions." William James

got to go


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