Thursday, February 28, 2019

"The drop of rain..."

                                           most probably a kit fox

my book said that the kit fox and the swift fox were alike except for size
on the previous post I labeled the fox a kit fox but I think it is a swift fox
and this fox which is mostly white except for the black tipped tail is probably
a kit fox...
the hummingbird which I called an Anna's hummingbird is probably a costas
last week was spent in the Colorado desert west of Yuma where there were
more hummingbirds and more foxes and lots of lizards...and sand...lots of sand

also I found this in the sand 20 feet from the suite van

                                        probably from the native culture from before the miners

"The drop of rain maketh a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling." Hugh

got to go
Francois Arouet

Friday, February 15, 2019

"I want an answer..."

                                           alligator lizard- Gerrhonotus multicarinatus
                                           kit fox- Vulpes macrotis

spent my first week in the desert after being in a rented
trailer for a month
almost perished from ice cream overdose in the trailer
had a freezer...why not
got back to normal eating habits now

spotted the alligator lizard in the dry wash
according to the field guide they do not occur here
this one apparently did not read the field guide
I think the hummingbird is an Annas hummingbird
but forgot to look it up in the book
after I put up the feeder there were several of these birds
they probably put on a lot of weight because they were
always at the feeder and when it ran out of necter they came
around and buzzed my head to let me know they needed food
I finally looked up the fox in the book and decided that it is a
Kit fox not the Swift fox which is larger
good neighbors all
unlike some of the neighbors I had in the trailer park
invasion of privacy has become rampant in America

"I want an answer, not an explanation!"

"Bring back life form. Priority one. All other priorities

got to go


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

"Impermenant are all compound things..."

                                           shoe from world war two desert training site @

been listening to to the radio
heard an interview with the U.S.fellow
who was in charge of Afghanistan military
operations....he said we (meaning the U.S. military)
should remain there to bolster the Afghani resistence
to "the bad guys"...but he didn't say bad guys he mentioned
various and assorted groups who want to run things
I heard someone say recently that the Taliban and the
Ill-cooties or what ever they call themselves are about to
be wiped out....yeah? like the nazis, and the communists,
and the anarchists, and fascists...who are all still around.
I think as long as you have people you will have some who
will try to control the others. Perhaps we as a country (the USA)
will be able to have fewer people from here killed and fewer
people from there killed and more people from there will
attempt to combat those who want to take away their freedom.
Everyone has to speak out against tyranny in their midst at every
opportunity or the tyrants will take over.
that's enough of that 

so i was watching some old western movie yesterday
the story was actually the same as the "Oxbow Incident"
by Walter Van Tilberg Clark . A guy buys some cattle and
he is accused of stealing them.
The movie was pretty good but it kind of left you hanging.

got to go

Jedidiah Cooper

"Impermenant are all compound things,
with mindfulness strive on"