Thursday, February 28, 2019

"The drop of rain..."

                                           most probably a kit fox

my book said that the kit fox and the swift fox were alike except for size
on the previous post I labeled the fox a kit fox but I think it is a swift fox
and this fox which is mostly white except for the black tipped tail is probably
a kit fox...
the hummingbird which I called an Anna's hummingbird is probably a costas
last week was spent in the Colorado desert west of Yuma where there were
more hummingbirds and more foxes and lots of lizards...and sand...lots of sand

also I found this in the sand 20 feet from the suite van

                                        probably from the native culture from before the miners

"The drop of rain maketh a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling." Hugh

got to go
Francois Arouet

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