Friday, February 15, 2019

"I want an answer..."

                                           alligator lizard- Gerrhonotus multicarinatus
                                           kit fox- Vulpes macrotis

spent my first week in the desert after being in a rented
trailer for a month
almost perished from ice cream overdose in the trailer
had a freezer...why not
got back to normal eating habits now

spotted the alligator lizard in the dry wash
according to the field guide they do not occur here
this one apparently did not read the field guide
I think the hummingbird is an Annas hummingbird
but forgot to look it up in the book
after I put up the feeder there were several of these birds
they probably put on a lot of weight because they were
always at the feeder and when it ran out of necter they came
around and buzzed my head to let me know they needed food
I finally looked up the fox in the book and decided that it is a
Kit fox not the Swift fox which is larger
good neighbors all
unlike some of the neighbors I had in the trailer park
invasion of privacy has become rampant in America

"I want an answer, not an explanation!"

"Bring back life form. Priority one. All other priorities

got to go


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