Friday, March 15, 2019

raison d' etat

                                         Venus of Willendorf       Stephanie Gregory
                                                                                 photo by annie leibovitz

the small statue is about 25,000 years old
ms gregory is probably younger than that

the purpose of this juxtaposition of images is
to emphasize the attraction that the female
anatomy has for male persons

the use of female anatomy has not really
fallen into disuse after all these years and
the current outcry from female persons who
insist that this must stop...
it will not stop and the notion that it can or
should stop only displays the foolishness some
people seek to promote as....CORRECT
of course not every female has the same amount
of appeal as every other woman and therefore
the desire to remove desire from the attributes
which can and will further a woman's status in
society is well founded
and...and this is an important thing
extortion is not and never will be acceptable
as a method of pecuniary advancement

raison d'etat= a purely political reason for
action on the part of a ruler or government,
especially where a departure from openness,
justice or honesty is involved." (from the french
                                                     reason of state)


got to go
Jan Matzlinger

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