Saturday, April 27, 2019


                                           black tailed jack-rabbit top video
                                          panorama from near suite van in desert
                                          antelope squirrel inquiring about oatmeal 

wrote a poem for poetry month as follows

like when we make a pasta dish
what we want the feta for

out of the Imperial desert
headed east
Miasma of parochial neglect

headed to the Bruntsfield links
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix

Saturday, April 20, 2019

"I have seen all the works that are one under the sun..."

                                           1-     moonrise in the desert

                                           2-    10 to 12 inches- alligator lizard?

                                           3-    one of the many helicoptors frequenting my area
                                           is that a glint of a camera lens I see in the open door?
                                           decided that a group of helicoptors should be refered to
                                           "Whoop" of helicoptors    whoop, whoop, whoop whoop

report released by special investigative folks
in celebration of event M-Peach/Mint ice cream served
the pres. says he was involved in obstruction of injustice
jullian the sponge incarcerated without his cat...this is cruelty
big old building burns in france-mega bucks spewed for re-build

"I have seen all the works that are done under the sun;
and behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit." Ecclesiasties 1:14

got to go

One-Eyed Charlie Parkhurst

Saturday, April 13, 2019

"If you were ignorant of what went on you were a fool..."


"If you were ignorant of what went on you were a fool;
if you knew, but looked the other way, you were a coward;
if you knew, and took part, you were a criminal."
                           Otto Kranzhuhler- defense attorney at Nurenberg

Jellaby Postlethwaite

Thursday, April 11, 2019

"Any plan conceived in moderation..."

                                                                    B and C     Consulting


TEATSQUEEZER, HOGWASH AND HOGWASH announces new partners in
political consulting business

From the founder
Mr. E. Teatsqueezer

"We is once again entering a heated race for the office of President of the USA
and here at our offices we is prepared to help any and all candidates for office however
flawed.,  unsavory, maladjusted, unscrupulous, malign or ugly.
We is refreshingly unencumbered by ethics, morals or modesty. You may not get elected but you will
get noticed.
As usual the construction magnate Hogwash brothers will assist in all political planning
as well as making available the politically correct "FOUR DOOR OUTHOUSE" one hole, four doors.
Also in anticipation of a whole lot of chickens coming home to roost they now have available chicken
coops which is soundproof, fire resistant and camouflaged.

As we predicted the leader of Algeria lost his job on account of he would not
change his name from Boogerflicker to something more acceptable
and the country of Yemen did not change their name to Yummy as we
advised  and they is in big trouble now.

"Any plan conceived in moderation must fail when the circumstances are set in extremes."
                                                                      Klemens von Metternich

got to go and get the laundry out of the dryer

E. Teatsqueezer

Friday, April 5, 2019

"The ulitmate result..."

                                           zig-zag trail to the top from a couple of miles away

was only going to investigate the base of the trail- but decided to saunter up to the top

                                           well defined trail looking down from 1/3 way to the top

                                          looking towards Imperial dunes from the top

                                            decided to take the "back" way down-possible mistake
                                           very rough gorge and treacherous footing
                                            several friends stayed around to see if I would
                                           be coming to dinner-  (be dinner is more like it)
                                           the abundance of cactus in the gorge was amazing
                                            and made the risk seem almost justifiable