Thursday, April 11, 2019

"Any plan conceived in moderation..."

                                                                    B and C     Consulting


TEATSQUEEZER, HOGWASH AND HOGWASH announces new partners in
political consulting business

From the founder
Mr. E. Teatsqueezer

"We is once again entering a heated race for the office of President of the USA
and here at our offices we is prepared to help any and all candidates for office however
flawed.,  unsavory, maladjusted, unscrupulous, malign or ugly.
We is refreshingly unencumbered by ethics, morals or modesty. You may not get elected but you will
get noticed.
As usual the construction magnate Hogwash brothers will assist in all political planning
as well as making available the politically correct "FOUR DOOR OUTHOUSE" one hole, four doors.
Also in anticipation of a whole lot of chickens coming home to roost they now have available chicken
coops which is soundproof, fire resistant and camouflaged.

As we predicted the leader of Algeria lost his job on account of he would not
change his name from Boogerflicker to something more acceptable
and the country of Yemen did not change their name to Yummy as we
advised  and they is in big trouble now.

"Any plan conceived in moderation must fail when the circumstances are set in extremes."
                                                                      Klemens von Metternich

got to go and get the laundry out of the dryer

E. Teatsqueezer

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