Friday, April 5, 2019

"The ulitmate result..."

                                           zig-zag trail to the top from a couple of miles away

was only going to investigate the base of the trail- but decided to saunter up to the top

                                           well defined trail looking down from 1/3 way to the top

                                          looking towards Imperial dunes from the top

                                            decided to take the "back" way down-possible mistake
                                           very rough gorge and treacherous footing
                                            several friends stayed around to see if I would
                                           be coming to dinner-  (be dinner is more like it)
                                           the abundance of cactus in the gorge was amazing
                                            and made the risk seem almost justifiable

"The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly,
it to fill the world with fools." Herbert Spencer


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