Thursday, May 30, 2019

"There should be no forced respect for grown-ups..."

                                               miss armadillo digging her holes

                                               mr fox gets a drink of water

the armadillo video was taken at night in the Atchafalaya basin.
There were several large holes that had been excavated by this
armadillo in a couple of spots. Perhaps in the same way that
a bird carrying sticks to make a nest causes changes in the bird
which facilitates them laying eggs and nesting this hole digging
activity in the armadillo may cause the animal to begin her rearing
of young. I believe they have delayed implantation also.

The fox video was taken in the desert near the Imperial Dunes in
California. The nearest surface water was several miles away.
Sometimes they would come at night and drink for a full minute.
This animal may have have been at this site several times this night,

"There are living systems, there is no living matter."  Jacques Lucian Monod (bio-chemist)

"There should be no forced respect for grown-ups.
We cannot prevent children from thinking us fools by
merely forbidding them to utter their thoughts; in fact
they are more likely to think ill of us if they dare not say so."
                                                         William James

Harry Callahan inspector #2211


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