Wednesday, February 5, 2020

"My conscience has a thousand several tongues..."

                             ever get the feeling you're being tracked

just came from mexico and the dentist office
hooray! a crown where there was once a hole...
interesting thing about crossing the border
some folks just look like government workers

then to the open an account
after a 20 minute explanation about accounts
I could not afford we got down to brass tacks
and when we got to the PERMANENT ADDRESS
question I pointed to the 30 year old suite van
and said in april I will have been a resident in that
van for 10 lady looks a bit shocked
then she says a permenant address is needed...
I say I do not want to commit BANKING FRAUD
and she looks kind of disappointed at that
as I get up to leave I ask for my federal debit
card...she says she returned it...but NO! there it
is under the keyboard of her computer...silly mistake!
as I am driving away some female federal employee
gives me the nasty swipe with her paw while glaring
at me from her car...missed again....

"My conscience hath a thousand several tongues,
And every tongue brings in a several tale,
And every tale condemns me for a villain."  William Shakespeare


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