Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Veritas non erubescit

                                          short horned lizard=Phrynosoma douglassii

spotted this lizard at 7600 feet  after temps dropped to below freezing that night
absolutely gorgeous reptile and worthy of out attention to its habitat.

watched  bob dylan  dvds on his birthday and had subtitles on
the lyrics are sometimes   "obfuscation wrapped in vagueness,
covered with a layer of gibberish"

watched layryn hill unplugged dvd last night on her birthday
good nylon string guitar work

do not have any little richard dvds but my favorite
song he sung was "Rock Island Line" on the Oxford
American CD  from a few years kicks ass.

"Veritas non erubescit= truth does not blush

purkinje cells

Thursday, May 14, 2020

"It is the fate of sensual love..."


watched a couple of episodes of LEXX a canadian tv serial
which lasted 61 episodes
this was on youtube   i had found a dvd of a season last year
and found it pretty good
there is a character whom i particularly like who is
"part cluster lizard" which makes her prefer new things
i think her name is Zev and she is sort of a space hussy type
she wears lizard skin clothes and has a lot of cleavage
the scenery is quite bizarre as they are living inside a giant
dragonfly    anyhow it is more exciting than "lost in space"

i was listening to a woman on the radio who was
talking about "mirror neurons" in the brain which
are stimulated when we see things we empathize with
this may account for some of the fascination with sexually
explicit visual material online (porn)

one of the things that porn does not depict is the whole
spectrum of relationships...what is depicted is always
the physical act of sex in its many manifestations so if
a person gets all of their information about relationships
from porn they will get an unbalanced view

"It is the fate of sensual love (sex) to become extinguished
when it  is satisfied ; for it to be able to last, it must from
the beginning be mixed with purely affectionate components,"
         Sigmund Freud "Being in Love and Hypnosis"

i have a music recommendation of bill withers
work as it was not mentioned after his recent
death   the song is "Grandma's Hands"  which
he wrote about his grandmother and there is a
pretty good rendition of him singing it on youtube

Lemnian Deeds

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

"The necessaries of life..."

                      this may give some insight into economic policy today

                       some things take a leap  of faith

"The necessaries of life for man (people) in this climate may,
accurately enough, be distributed under several heads of
Food, Shelter, Clothing, and Fuels; for not till we have secured
 these are we prepared to entertain the true problems of life
with freedom and a prospect of success." H. D. Thoreau

Aristides was banished because the townspeople tired
of calling him "The Just"..

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

"I have a rendezvous with death..."

            eastern bluebird     and my raven friend seeking groceries

mr raven awoke me this morning
with a loud cawing and more cawing
until I rose to smear some peanut butter
on a rock in the food area
but not being in the mood for such
sticky food he ignored it and instead
danced around with his friends until
they arose on the wind and swooped
acrobatically through the pines...

"I have a rendezvous with Death
At some disputed barricade.
When spring comes back with rustling shade
And apple blossoms fill the air." 

"And to my pledged word am true
I shall not fail that rendezvous."
                           Alan Seeger (1916)
 "I have a rendezvous with Death"

Ms. LeBlanc @Coronet Apts.
Number 1001
California Ave.


Monday, May 4, 2020

" The virulence of the national appetite..."


yuma antelope squirrel=Ammbspermophilus harrisi

sonoran collard lizard=Crotaphytus collaris nebrius

sonoran spiny lizard= Sceloporus magister magister

front yard at Mittry

spent a day and a half at Mittry lake campsite
this weekend

plenty of company
as a matter of fact too much company
as a matter of fact there were folks
who came in on both sides of me
just like a toothache
and really showed why euthanasia
is a very good idea
but they left no better off for the experience
at least a dozen vehicles showed up in
 less than 48 hours I was there
and one would assume that I was in need
of a close look
I have been told that I am in a box
in a hole
behind a fence
like a radioactive TV dinner perhaps
but life goes on and the
secret police
and the moral mafia
can smooch the hairy end
of my lower intestine

so I was perfecting my diagnostic pooting
all weekend
which I may patent
when there is obnoxious olfactory stimuli
after a diagnostic poot
i can assume that my olfactory apparatus
is functioning and I am not
in the early stages of corvid infestation
finally a good use for pooting

"The virulence of the national appetite
for bogus revelation..." H.L. Mencken

Saturday, May 2, 2020

"The brain may devise laws..."

                                           from a time past and more verdant

a new poem from charles moocowski

desert squint

i wake up in the morning
to hear the same news
about the human race
the sky is falling
because humans need a hustle
billions of dollars spent on games
for the masses
while millions go to bed
hungry every night
am i supposed to participate in
this vaudeville of despair
i dont think so
i suppose by now
the last 30 vaquitas are dead
since the mexican fishing mafia
are netting fish for their bladder
to get some greasy yen from
some greasy chinese impotent bastard
nuke'm all

"The brain may devise laws for the blood,
but a hot temper leaps over cold decree."
                                  Wm. Shakespeare

Friday, May 1, 2020

"The health of nations..."

                      some sort of skin problem has affected several foxes recorded lately

i keep hearing commentators referring to the corona virus
as a devil and a monster and such as that
the virus is an organism...just as humans are
and it is not even considered to be alive by  some
however...this organism seems to have found a
receptacle in the human body in which it can
live for a while.. sometimes it kills the host..
apparently the bats evolved to live with it
it may be that humans will evolve immunity
enough to not be severely affected by it any more
than the cold or the flu
according to an article by John Gribbin in a 2018
"Scientific American" magazine a little more than
150,000 years ago the human population was reduced
to no more than a few thousand,  or even a few hundred
"breeding pairs"....and about 10,000 years ago the entire
human population fell to about 1000.
 now we humans have gotten to numbers which
seem to us unassailable by any threat except
possibly ourselves...but there is more in nature than
we know and we may indeed spend an increasing amount
of our time an resources to protect ourselves no longer
from the cave bear or the saber-toothed tiger but from
organisms hidden beneath the soil or in the bodies of
our fellow earth dwellers....

"The health of nations is more important
than the wealth of nations."  Will Durant