Monday, May 4, 2020

" The virulence of the national appetite..."


yuma antelope squirrel=Ammbspermophilus harrisi

sonoran collard lizard=Crotaphytus collaris nebrius

sonoran spiny lizard= Sceloporus magister magister

front yard at Mittry

spent a day and a half at Mittry lake campsite
this weekend

plenty of company
as a matter of fact too much company
as a matter of fact there were folks
who came in on both sides of me
just like a toothache
and really showed why euthanasia
is a very good idea
but they left no better off for the experience
at least a dozen vehicles showed up in
 less than 48 hours I was there
and one would assume that I was in need
of a close look
I have been told that I am in a box
in a hole
behind a fence
like a radioactive TV dinner perhaps
but life goes on and the
secret police
and the moral mafia
can smooch the hairy end
of my lower intestine

so I was perfecting my diagnostic pooting
all weekend
which I may patent
when there is obnoxious olfactory stimuli
after a diagnostic poot
i can assume that my olfactory apparatus
is functioning and I am not
in the early stages of corvid infestation
finally a good use for pooting

"The virulence of the national appetite
for bogus revelation..." H.L. Mencken

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