Wednesday, June 3, 2020

"Resentment is like drinking poison..."

    mr coyote came around to ask miss mountain cottontail out for lunch

I spent a week at this spot and the rabbit (Sylvilagus nuttalli) remained in her log
 which was only 20 yards away from my campsite
she got used to the lettuce and bowl of water daily so she did not have to venture
too far from the safety of the log
the coyote suddenly appeared when a black-tailed jackrabbit ran by the campsite
and I think he caught the jackrabbit but I am not sure ....but the cottontail was safe in the 
log when I left this morning...

I have been listening to the news quite a lot to learn what the 
protesters have been doing....
I remember the protests and destruction from the 1960's and some of
the other "civil unrest" in this country....

"When truth conquers with the help of 10,000 yelling people- even supposing
that that which is victorious is a truth; with the form and manner of the victory
a far greater untruth is victorious." Soren Kierkeguard

one of the most dangerous things a person can do 
is succumb to the influence of the "phenomene d' hallucination 

"Then does men's life become one vast disease,
when once they seek their ills by ills to cure." Sophocles

there is no defending the killing of a person
by a police officer who does so wantonly
and it has happened too many times to be
viewed as anything but a systemic failure
of policing...
however 167 police committed suicide in 2018
and several hundred thousand cops did not kill

"Trauma creates lack of empathy for another's suffering."
                           from "The Hidden Brain"

I contend that any uniformed cop who has been on
the job for a year or more suffers from PTSD
the work is unimaginably stressful and what
has evolved is a predator prey relationship
with many cops...and if you are one of the
people who is not of the same ethic make-up
as the cops you are very likely to become
involved in a self perpetuating 'bad vibe" relationship
which can quickly degenerate into an adversarial
confrontation...and they have guns...

"People are eager to tread underfoot what once they
too much feared." Lucretius

well I have a lot of notes written so I will post
more of my views later...

"Resentment is like drinking poison
and hoping it will kill your enemies"
              NELSON MANDELLA
and he had a lot to be resentful about!


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