Monday, January 4, 2021

"I am going to seek a great perhaps..."

                                              came across 3 30 second videos of the last meal

well i managed to fulfill my only new years resolution                            which was "don't die on new years day"                                                no more resolutions to keep this calendar year                                  but the world seems to be getting stranger and stranger                        my 4th winter in the desert...i was alarmed that i was adapting to        the desert environment by turning into a chuckwalla (Sauromalus        obesus) my hair getting thinner and thinner, my belly becoming           round and soft...but i did not begin laying naked on my belly on the    boulders in the i guess my transformation into a big            fat lizard has been delayed...                                                                  amazingly despite a global virus that has prompted the radio news      to give a daily death count as well as how many people have been      hospitalized i still see folks who can'tquite figure out the not so            complicated mask thing...the math will subtract them...there is no       disputing that more people without masks will die than with masks...   simple Darwinian math....                                                                       i have heard it said that some folks are bored...and i might suggest some online programs that i downloaded to my mini-SD card so i        could watch them on my phone at night...some i have watched a few times   WSU_Special Relativity with Brian Greene is 11 and a half hours  and is a great way to keep you humble as the math is unintelligable as Sumerian...but it does expose one to the ideas about space/time and why math can be used to describe the universe (past/present/future)    my favorite documentary is "COBRA GYPSIES" which is 52 minutes long and is one of the best documentaries i have ever seen.    pay special attention to the part about the gypsies who have a special relationship with their camels...the are like big gentle dogs and the kids love them...unfortunately there is a deadly virus i think called MERS which is transmitied through camels...and the gypsies who design their own clothes look fantastic... also I think the best    LEXX episode is called "Patches in the Sky" and shows what kinds of problems might arise if you get high at work...big, big, problems      everything by Stfan Milo is good and educational...i sometimes suddenly get a blank spot in my thoughts and i realize it is "Gilligans  Island" that has left a "stupid stain" where my brain used to be...    be careful about what you feed to your brain...

"I am going to seek a great perhaps. Draw the curtain the farce is played out." F. Rabelais (last words)

cant get the video to upload correctly.... maybe later




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