Tuesday, January 5, 2021

"...caring leads to attention..."

                                          new camera...recent desert photo...no rain...too bad 

picked up an excellent book at the thrift recently                                                                                        as usual much of what i find to read is by synchronicity...                                                                         "This is your brain on music" Daniel J. Levitin author 2006                                                                     he was a musician, producer and is now a neuro-scientist                                                                         like brian may guitarist with Queen who works as an astrophysicist                                                         he did more than just play music....i often wondered why this or that                                                      music had such an emotional impact on people, myself included.... this                                                        book explains why....

i decided to analyze the songs being played on a video music concert by                                                           nikkie lane in Barcelona, spain in 2017 she has a fellow from madrid                                                    named alex munox who kicks ass on electric guitar  and her bass player is                                          eric whitman and drummer is taylor powell   she calls them the "tennessee dirtbags"                               i first heard ms lane sing "man up" which she explains caused her husband to                                        leave her...this genre of song was promoted if not invented by ms taylor swift and                                    might be said to express in words as a "swift kick in the balls"...the sort of tunes which                            might give a fellow a bad facial twitch and a drinking problem....     anyhow i learned                            that ms lanes has a deeper appreciation for music than man bashing and "Highway Queen"                    expresses some of her ideas about being an entertainer...i suppose if i had to pick a favorite                  on this hour long show "You can't talk to me like that" probably gives ms lane full                                 rein with her talents...when she says "CRAZY" you believe it.   now there is something                        that is  expressed in her work that might be described by the term "DUENDE"  i looked                        looked up the word and it is a contraction of "dueno de casa" or owner of the house....she                      owns it...the whole concert is worth the time to watch and listen to...her co-worker ms                           Ruby Boots does a good job with her song also...                                                                                 it is not possible to put these songs into a particular genre but i think ms lanes spiffy dress with                     cow skulls on both hips would  indicate vaguely "country western" roots...very vaguely                but her hat is not a Stetson and mr munox is not playing a gibson...very refreshing

"It is impossible to overestimate the importance of these factors; caring leads to attention,                    and together they lead to measurable neurochemical changes. Dopamine, the neurotransmitter              associated with emotional regulation, alertness, and mood, is released, and the dopaminergic                system aids in the encoding of the memory trace."  "Your brain on music"      



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