Thursday, March 11, 2021

"If thousands are thrown out of employment..."


               well employed coyote...are at least not un-employed...

a couple of days ago i noticed movement and saws this animal casually sauntering by...                             i spoke a few words of encouragement as he got nearer...and being a not-unfriendly sort                          he walked towards me....and I realized I didn't have any vittles easily at hand...but he wasn't                    going to stay for lunch and he just lifted his leg and peed then went on his way...                                     these animals have been relentlessly destroyed as long as the europeans have been in north america         risking the possibility of a bubonic plague outbreak if the rodents get too populous...

there are people who have been equally scourged and maligned...they like the coyotes and some other     animals have been made "CORPUS VILE"...the Jews, Blacks, Irish, Cajuns, Italians, and many others    

"There never was a civilized nation of any complexion than white." David Hume                                      "The negro of Africa have by nature no feeling that arises above the trifling." Immanuel Kant

these highly regarded european philosophers were un-enlightened...and Pythagoras thought farts             contained the essence of the soul and when we poot we lose some of our soul...hopefully not so...

but so called philosophers are not all the same... take Thales for instance...he is identified by ARISTOTLE as the first pre-socratic philosopher...well this enterprising philosopher had a knack          for noticing things in nature and one year he predicted that there was going to be a very large olive           harvest...but he kept that information to he bought up all the olive presses and when the harvest time came he made a bundle of  money...

"Intelligence is quickness to apprehend as distinct from ability, which is capacity to act                              wisely on the thing apprehended." Alfred North Whitehead                                                                       

"If thousands are thrown out of employment, it suggests that they were not well employed.                        Why don't they take the hint." Henry David Thoreau (letter, Nov. 16, 1857)

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