Thursday, March 11, 2021

"The insatiate itch..."


this is probably a zebra-tailed lizard...a young one...just unearthed and very got darker                  dug up while digging a hole for the feces...

there are 60 tons of turds on denali
apollo missions have left 96 bags of turds on the moon
feces are 30 percent bacteria
arab speakers make up 5% of the worlds population                                                                                    58% of the worlds refugees and 68% of the worlds war deaths                                                                    there are 182,000 TOP SECRET jobs in U.S. government                                                                           Able Marpol a white jew from the Bronx wrote "Strange Fruit" a song made                                             famous by Billie Holiday...Marpol also adopted two children of the Rosenberg's                                        after they were executed by the U.S. government for espionage                                                                A-7713 was Elie Wiesels  concentration camp tattoo number                                                                      Ernest Hemingway's son Gregory had a sex change operation at age 65 and died as Gloria                       "We Croak" is an app that will call you 5 times a day to remind you that you are going to die                  one million hampsters were trapped  in east germany in 1966...125 hampster skins to make a coat           Simo Hayha was a  finnish woman sniper who had 505 confirmed kills...she used a 1928 Mosin-Nagant rifle                                                                                                                                                    "God is not on the side of the heavy battalions but of the best shots." Voltaire                                              "All military defeats can be summarized in two words-" Too Late." Douglas MacArthur                             Bette Davis husband Mr. Harmon Oscar Nelson is where the name for the "Oscars" come from               as of 2018 the highest paid public employee in 8 states is a college  basketball coach                              in 31 states it is a football coach                                                                                                                    "Wisdom comes by disillusionment" George Santayana                                                                               
"The insatiate itch of scribbling, hateful pest,                                                                                              Creeps like a titter, through the human breast;                                                                                               Nor knows, nor hopes a cure."     Juvenal

"Der feind steht im ergenen Lager"                                                                                             

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