i figured I would write my favorite Edmund Burke quote...which i may have written somewhere else already but it is worth repeating...pay attention...i have neutered it...
"People are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put chains on their own appetites; in proportion as their love of justice is above their rapacity; in proportion as their soundness and sobriety of understanding is above their vanity and presumption; in proportion as they are more disposed to listen to the councils of the wise and good in preference to the flattery of knaves. Society cannot exist unless a controlling power upon the will and appetite is placed somewhere; and the less there is within, the more there must be without. It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things that people of intemperate habits cannot be free. Their passions must forge their fetters." Edmund Burke
so i would like to recommend a movie which I picked up a while back...it is "Algiers" with Charles Boyer and Hedy Lamarr and Sigrid Gurie..from 1938...it is about a man who escapes...it will make you cry.
and also a CD which I picked up in Mississippi by gil scott heron called" I'm not from here" this recording is kind of unique in it's raw emotion...it may make you cry also
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