Tuesday, April 6, 2021


                                              THESE FOXES NEED WATER IN THE DESERT

just saw the temps today for where i am headed...33 degrees WOW been 100 degrees where i;ve been WOW...contrast is what makes things seem different...and stimulating...positive stimuli and negative stimuli...some people just need more stimuli to exist satisfactorily...some people exist well with bland    i have an acquaintance who said he had to seek counseling because he kept trading in his car to buy a new car because he loved that "new car smell"...far be it from me to criticize someone's source of stimulation...but that sort of behavior is not "the norm"...which brings me to a subject which is near and dear to my heart...mental illness...there is not a test to determine what is normal because is a           sort of mathematical ideal which only describes what is most common ...and actually there are laws which are based on the "community norms"... or what is normal for that community... when i lived in san francisco  what was normal would not pass muster in say alexandria, louisiana...although i know that some of the same activities which are common in san francisco are common in alexandria...now i think too often people think they are crazy because they take what they think too seriously...one of my favorite bits of advice is "DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU THINK"...which i have to remember daily...someone recently brought up the occurrence of "DELUSIONS"... i highly recommend that people read or listen to the audio book by oliver sacks called "HALLUCINATIONS" because he explains the differences between delusions and hallucinations and misperceptions and a whole lot of other mental states people encounter...if more people were more aware of the very wide mental states they would despair less of their own...I was reading an interview with Brian Wilson who was one of the driving forces of the musical group known as the "Beach Boys"  mr wilson said he has heard voices since he was a child,,,he just did not let these voices control his life and was very creative and productive...but he also was incapacitated due to mental states at times...the point being you do what you can and avoid things that make you unable to function in society...now the billionaire howard hughes submerged from society and eventually sort of became unable to function in a healthy manner and ended his days in a bad way.  all that money did not help him it hindered him ..you sort of need to make sure you are functioning in a reality based  world...which leads me to the current trend to legalize pot and other drugs...which will keep more people from being in jail but will allow more people to get high which will lead to more people having mental stability issues...i have a good DVD from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute which deals with bi-polar and manic depression disorders...the speaker is a Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison who researches these mental states...and she is also Bi Polar..her research indicated that these mental states are severely exacerbated by the use of drugs, sleep deprivation and stress...all of which a person can experience daily...she also says that these particular mental states can be inherited...so don't despair if you experience "mental dis-ease" there are ways to lessen the discomfort and proceed in life...and remember "DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU THINK" 

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