Tuesday, April 20, 2021

"Even if they give you the cow..."

        a very sad encounter with a porcupine which has been stuck with quills in its face...

NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH                                                                                              MISS MOO MISSING...Mr. Teatsqueezer has alerted the local authorities that his dairy cow               has jumped the fence and is now loose somewhere in the countryside..he has this to say                          "well this is not the first time Miss Moo has jumped the fence...she usually jumps the fence                     at least once every springtime...but she always stays pretty close to the farm...and Rupert, our                family dog has also disappeared and he usually stays pretty close to Miss Moo..they are good                  companions...Horace the hog has stayed pretty close to his feed trough as he usually does...                     When Miss Moo was lead out of the barn by Mr. Panza who has been here at the dairy for 30 years          she leapt away as soon as the rope was removed from her halter...Mr. Panza knew Miss Moos mother    and her grandmother and he has always found her after her seasonal escape...usually standing near         some of the neighbors milk cows or standing in the creek...                                                                            Mr. Panza had this to say..."Even if they give you the cow...you still have to hold the rope."                                                                                                                               


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