Wednesday, April 21, 2021

"Manu Ad Ferrum"



  last blog was just here is one that will more interesting

just to explain what has been happening in my life let me relate the origin of this laptop...bought from the ten-hand thrift store in lluma.
it has a back door so that it can be hacked...the thrift store is populated with lots of "volunteers" that have links to the clandestine forces which now seek to dominate this country...and lluma is the place where their population is thickest...and not for the public good.  when i was in a room at the el rauncho hot-ell this laptop was hacked  as I was transferring my photography...also my phone which I use was hacked and I got an emergency alert for an Amber general everything I do is subject to scrutiny and harassment. And I will continue to document this activity...all I want is money now...If the government sees fit o allow this to happen then they can have a corrupted government...I want significant monetary damages for the harassment...and I intend to repay in kind the treatment I have endured for these decades..."conspiracy to commit computer intrusion" is a violation of the law...which is but a little infraction compared to what I encounter van has a transmitter...which I have sought to use to my advantage by giving a running commentary  as I computer, phone and even my snail mail is scrutinized unlawfully...I certainly do not expect anyone to pay me anything, but I do expect to be loud enough to be heard...damn the torpedos!  I am not contrite enough for these gangsters. (contrite from the latin meaning to grind down)                                                   errizona is home to a right wing faction which has infiltrated the military and law enforcement...the border patrol has been compromised as well as most of the government enforcement does not bode well for the future of this country...I watch the whoopla about the conviction of one errant cop who was obviously so affected by PTSD that the casual killing of a suspect seemed not to register in his self preservation...the much more important reality is that the stage has been set for the violent confrontation of factions in this country who have been polarized by both the so called left and the so called right...and armed violence can not be far behind...and I am "Civiliter Mortus" 

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