Friday, March 12, 2021

"We are often brought nearer..."

                        white-face bovine...looking for trouble

NEWS FLASH....NEWS FLASH...NEWS FLASH                                                                      

The farm of Mr. E. Teatsqueezer was recently invaded by a mobbish                                                          herd of white-faced is his response to this incident 

"Our farm was over-run by an unruly herd of cattle who broke the doors open                                          on the Teatsqueezer towers barn facility and made their way to the feed room                                           where they broke open bales of hay and bags of grain and ate all they wanted                                          and then pooped all over the floor and terrorized Miss Moo and traumatized Horace                                Hogwash and then left the barn without regard to the guard dog Rupert who would have                          been stomped to pieces if he had not climbed to the top of the tractor.  These ruffians                              showed no respect for our private property or animals and we is seeking damages from                          the owners of this herd. Miss Moo did not eat for several days and Horace was unable to                         sleep well although his appetite remained good...Rubert however remains stalwart and                            vigilant in his duties to guard our property...   

"We are often brought nearer to unbecoming actions by the heedless use of unbecoming words."                                                                                                                                          ARISTOTLE                         

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