Saturday, March 13, 2021

"A home is not a mere transient shelter..."

                                                       housing / residence/ home/ abode/shelter

i hear a lot about the so called homeless                                                                                                          as i have said for quite a long time...the homeless industry is booming                                                     the corrupted business leeches are delighted to pilfer the money                                                                if permanent but mobile housing were developed which a person could                                                      acquire equity in the so called homeless would be better situated in the world                                            the above shelter would be a good basis from which to design a more functional                                       housing solution...recyclability should be a high priority...                                                                          "A home is not a mere transient shelter; its essence lies in its permanence, it its capacity                          for accretion and solidification, in its quality of representing, in all its details, the personalities                of the people who live in it. In the course of years it becomes a sort of museum of these people;              they give it its indefinable air, separating it from all other homes as one human face is separated             from all others. It is at once a refuge from the world, a treasure-house, a castle and a shrine of                  a whole hierarchy of peculiarly private and potent Gods."  H.L. Mencken

30 million acres of US farmland is foreign owned 

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