Tuesday, June 29, 2021

"A wrong doer..."

         double rainbow near peach springs...the one on the left is the brightest I have ever seen  

just saw a news story about whether video games are the key to winning in "real life"...on FOX....           i must say 48 hours of being around a television with a hundred stations will certainly alter ones            world view...now i am watching a weather report from Tokyo, Japan...and sports...who knew so much    of human endeavor in the 21st century revolved around people manipulating spheres...amazing....I think historians a few hundred years from now will attribute the decline in western civilization to failure to      prioritize expenditure of resources to maximize survival...this just in...monopoly charges dropped against FACEBOOK...stock prices surge and company now worth more than a trillion bucks...maybe I   should get a facebook account...i almost got sucked into the vortex a while back when I suddenly found myself surrounded on the computer with an icon ready to seduce a click...and then my entire existence  would be in the memory banks of the real MOLOCH...just like AMAZON...I buy two items and now      they have everything I have ever looked at in their electronic grasp...even this sad little blog seems        seems to have become a thorn in the side of some folks...I recently met a woman who warned me not      to mess with the "C"...she also said that "DRUGS" is the biggest problem concerning national security....I don't think so...CORRUPTION is the reason society has so many problems...in my opinion...with 18 intelligence agencies sniffing around one would think the corruption would have a       hard time effecting our lives...but some of the folks in the intel biz are a little dirty...a lot dirty really       I have been the target of some of these tainted folks for a long time...I was told that my life would          be "TRAGIC" and I cannot make any money and I must live in the "BOX" for the rest of my life...how    it came to pass that I would warrant  the attention of such important and powerful people remains a mystery to me...I did meet a fellow in central america who told me the first day I met him       "YOU HAVE TO FORGET ABOUT INTEGRITY....NO INTEGRITY!" no integrity Dave I call him.     I guess over the last 30 years or so I have seen much if not most of society become increasingly psychologically conditioned to various external stimuli...brainwashed really...there were the whistlers and the coughers and the burpers and the laughers and the red shirts and the blue shirts and the multitude of secret handshakes ...I'm really just too stupid to keep it all sorted out...I just have to  continue with my tragic life...hang out with chipmunks and birds and such...this just in...Swiss beat the    French in a game with a ball on a field...very exciting!...not really...                                                        now for some interesting animal facts ...Turritopsis dohrnii is a small jellyfish discovered in the Mediterranean  1883 and researchers have discovered that it can curl itself into a small ball and split into a colony of individuals (this is called transdifferentiation) they also can repair their telomeres  which allows them to not age...which goes to show reality is more interesting than living a fiction                     

"A wrong doer is often a person who has left something undone, not always someone                               who has done something." Marcus Aurelius


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