Saturday, November 6, 2021

"He has made his weapons his Gods..."

 this is the hole in the rock and what was ground in the hole in the rock...long ago

guns guns guns in the news....17 year old on trial...bad judgement as is common with 17 year olds               senseless death in new mexico...claudine longet killed spider sabich with a single shot from a 22 short ..    happens all the time...guns do kill people...30,100 veterans died by suicide since 2001...most with  guns I would imagine...4 times as many as died in combat...before guns it was harder to               kill I would imagine...just watch a whole series of Dr. Who...never seen it before...fascinating...I saw where Dr. Who is unarmed....go figure...still reading the American Rifleman mag. from NRA  good       mag ...NRA needs to change leadership...about timed to go

"He has made his weapons his gods                                                                                                                when his weapons win he is defeated himself."  Rabindranath Tagore                                                                                                           

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