Wednesday, November 17, 2021

"Superfluous branches..."

                                    moral dilemma-had to compromise...

awoke in the campsite next to the road above the lake on the edge of the ravine...                                          and there were kittens in my campsite...according to the bird people cats eat at least                                   a billion birds a year...not to mention rodents, lizards and general attitude is                     that for wildlife to live...cats must die...however the theory is easier to expound than the practice            of killing cats is to I was weak and just put out some food and water before I drove away...i hear a lot of coyotes at night here so they will probably be eaten before long...

now i don't want to sound like a person enthralled with death...but after listening to a couple of weeks of the climate summit in glasgow the one thing i never heard anyone mention is the possibility                     that the human population is going to have to be reduced for any of the goals to be met that will         result in less carbon in the atmosphere thereby alleviating the rise in temperatures and...well you            know...making things nice again...yeah there was a lot of the little people wailing about            the fact that they did not spew the carbon into the air but they will suffer the most....blah blah and blah    i think the big people who they want to cough up a hundred billion bucks to give to the little people        to...? what? buy boats? insurance? what what what! i know of a famous animal trainer who used             to say "i can train any animal that has to eat"...and I say that all money should be tied to the stipulation that the "endangered" people will have to reduce their numbers...until this basic reality is accommodated there is not a snowballs chance in the sahara that the temperatures are likely to be               moderated for the i think that since replication of our genes is what got us into this                pile of do do governments should start a gene bank so that when the human population gets down           to a survivable number...a hundred million? a billion? 5 billion? 3?...whatever it is having a lot of genetic material will be good for the gene pool...SAVE THE GENE POOL!

"Superfluous branches                                                                                                                                  We lop away, that bearing boughs may live" Shakespeare "Richard second"                 


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