Wednesday, December 14, 2022

"My health, I came to Casablanca for the waters..."

                                             rabbits ate the rescued saguaro to death

                                            frost on the ground from this morning
                                           guess who did not get a raise for picking lettuce

when you shoot all the coyotes the rabbits get too plentiful and eat the cactus to death

temps around the freezing point in the desert last night

so i see these people working very fast when the lettuce is ready to pick...think about where your salad comes from.... 

well back in of shady dealings and sunny skies...watched a movie called "Perfume" which was pretty disgusting all things considered...good production values but a bad concept...a child is born on the ground in a very disgusting place and survives...the mother is hanged...and so it goes... one implausible thing after the end the child is a serial killer...and escapes the punishment and...well, dies a very implausible death...there is a very good article in the "Smithsonion" magazine from I believe august 2022...about the olfactory system in humans...very interesting...also watched "Casablanca" again...damn good movie...there is a very good line in which Louie the chief of police asks Rick why he came to Casablanca...and he says "My health, I came to Casablanca for the waters." and Louie says "What waters we are in a desert."       and Rick says "I was misinformed"...and so we are all misinformed....


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