Saturday, February 18, 2023

"Fear must arise..."

                                  reality check on stopping oil production...i don't think so

i was listening to a recording of  ms greta when she was about 14 years old and first speaking to an international group of so called powerful people about the dire situation which has arisen due to atmospheric alterations due to...WHAT!...she is one of the only people who has given the climate change the sense of urgency that it deserves...however she keeps talking about THE SUFFERING OF THE PEOPLE...there are too many people on planet earth for the lifestyles that humans have adopted...if the population of humans would be reduced to a sustainable number (and save as much genetic material as possible because a large gene pool is better) and the people who are living are treated as assets instead of just another mouth to feed (and butt to clean up after and head to keep out of the rain etc etc etc) and as a long time zoo-keeper i must object to ms greta not giving the other earthlings the kind of consideration she feels humans deserve...i do not think humans have or are capable of changing their ways quickly enough to stop the earth heating up and the ice melting and the oceans rising and more people being forced onto less dry land...and well the situation getting PRETTY DAMN UGLY...anyhow less clothing and less food waste and better recycling and BETTER REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY...that is to say less reproduction...well enough of that and on to something else...i get up in time to listen to BBC news most mornings and i like to read the big book of biographies as there have been some interesting folks come and go...for instance i read about this lovely lady this morning...ELIZABETH BATHORI-murdered 650 young women to bath in their blood as she felt it would keep her looking young (1610)...whoa buddy what some women won't do to keep that youthful look...her accomplices were executed but she was confined to her estate...don't seem fair to me...for those of you who don't know about the ancient Spartans they kept slaves who were called Helots...and they were pretty damned mean to them...well one day Epaminondas decided enough was enough and did battle with the Spartans and freed those helots (369BCE)...around that time Alcibiades was tried for vandalizing a statue of some local Athenian god and putting bad ideas into the heads of the local youth and they condemned him to death and he said thanks but no thanks and headed out to the Spartans who were fighting the Athenians...and he said (this is a great thing to say) "I will make them feel that i am alive"...and he helped the Spartans fight the Athenians...that is until they tired of him and they ran him off...then he went to somebody else and hung out there and being the handsomest man in Athens he  was always chatting up the babes...but he chatted up (and probably a lot more) the wrong babe and it was either the young daughter or the wife (or maybe both!) of the head honcho and he took it very poorly an had Alcibiades whacked...oh well it was fun while it lasted...well i heard about Ortega in Nicaragua acting the fool  and taking away citizenship and the property of his enemies and generally being an ass...his wife is right in there with where is GRAVILO PRINCIP when you can really use him?...well i predict some vanilla ice cream in my near future and must move along...i would however like to recommend a good western movie i found the other day..."No Name on The Bullet" (1959) color 77 minutes long with Audie Murphy playing a professional assassin...there is a scene where all the men in the town go to where Audie is standing on the porch and they tell him they are going to kill him if he does not leave since this man in real life has stood and faced death he gives a great performance...he tells the assembled crowd that he thinks he can kill that man and that man and that man and probably that one too before they can kill him...they think about that and walk away...i don't want to give away a good ending except to say that Audie is dis-armed in a very unique way in the end...

ON INTIMIDATION-"Fear must arise from the willful conduct of the accused rather than from some temperamental timidity of the victim" (i have recently been accused of being intimidating)   

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