Tuesday, February 28, 2023

"In men this blunder still you find..."

           this was my screen saver for a long time...need to visit the desert quick...humanity is depressing me

was listening to the radio about the LGBTect crowd are getting firearms to protect themselves...which is one option but my concern is that they just went into the woods and found a spot to target practice...and for those of us who frequent the woods...or the desert...or the swamps...people just showing to soot the place up is a serious bummer...i think that the rules of gun ownership need to change to include a place to shoot which is designated for that purpose and SILENCERS!...OH NO!..yep silencers would add a whole new dimension to the shooting sports...now for reasons which are quite vague possession of a silencer is a felony unless you have a hard to get permit...and of course if a person wants to own a "combat" weapon then they should be required to belong to a 'WELL REGULATED MILITIA" as is stated in the constitution...

well an 11 year old girl in Cambodia has died of the bird flu...medical authorities are not sure whether this disease common in birds can be transmitted from humans to humans...but i bet it will evolve into a virus which can...it has also been detected in other species  such as foxes (see picture above)...

Swiss neutrality may become a thing of the past...it started in 1815 after some sorry war and has continued until today...but the swiss think russia may pose a threat and needs to be dealt with...they do supply the Vatican with some very ridiculous looking guards dress in the same outfits as they had way back when...

i read about a guy named Cyrano de Bergerac who lived from 1619-1655 and who got into more than a thousand duels due to his having a very large nose...i thought Edmund Rostrand (1868-1918) was just making up this character...the Movie of the same name is quite good and stars Jose Ferrer who is also in the movie i watched a few nights ago called "The Caine Mutiny" staring Humphrey Bogart and others...it was a very good movie and since i spent some time working on ships i sort of was interested in how the mutiny charge would be handled...it was a superb performance by Bogart...

"In men this blunder still you find, all think their little set mankind." Hannah More


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