Thursday, March 2, 2023

"What is the most important..."

                                         some flying creature in the night...perspective is everything

so heard the Chinese authorities mentioning that the FBI were not honest and their evaluation of such businesses as TICTOC as being a threat to the security of the USA was tainted with bias...yeah there is a lot of that going around that bias a virus that's been around forever...well as they say in Deadwood, trust your friends but cut the cards...

listening to Musk Mellon this morning as he said that he was all about "HOPE AND OPTIMISM"...yeah well his bank account went up to about 176 billion bucks this week making him once again numero uno in the wealth list...i remember the first oil rig i worked on in the gulf of was an exxon rig and the head man...the company man...said he was the highest paid man in the gulf of mexico working with the lowest paid man...which was me...even back in 1973 the kick-back scam was well established in the oil if the musk mellon would team up with zuckerberg and start a non-profit job placement business a lot of people would be better able to shorten that so called wealth gap...$7.25 and hour minimum wage what a joke...i want reparations too!...remember when henry ford raised his worker wages to $5 a day so they could afford to buy a car...well musk mellon needs to make available lease Teslas for folks who cannot swing 35 grand for a first car was a 1962 ford falcon i paid 25 bucks for and had to rebuild the top end...but it ran pretty good after that..anyhow hughes tool (howards cash cow)  did not sell his drill bits he leased them and made a bunch of money doing it, certainly musk mellon can figure out a way to get an electric car into the driveway of most of america. i would be more hopeful and optimistic if i had his money...maybe

heard a very sad account from a couple of parents whose children were killed in non-combat situations while in the of them started a group called "SAVE OUR SERVICE MEMBERS"...there is a law called the Feres doctrine = a legal doctrine that prevents members of the armed forces who are injured while on active duty from successfully suing the federal government under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). what a crock of poop that is...and these are the people who put themselves in harms way to protect the rights of citizens...the military has been described as having a TOXIC leadership...but that only goes back about 10 thousand years...

so what's it going to take to change the way things are done...i heard an interview with a woman who studies that sort of thing and she mentioned META MODERNISM=that process needed to facilitate seems that there is a political party in Denmark which is based on NO PROGRAM...might keep an eye on that party...

so i hate to be the turd in the punch bowl but there is a term from the TORAH called TIKKUN OLAM which is supposed mean =repair of the world...which sounds noble but is now where to be found...the OTHER people are getting a raw deal from the they are changing their government...too was a good plan for a while...

so i would like to recommend an excellent music is HOROWITZ IN MOSCOW (1986)... this concert is described as "the musical recital of the century".... i particularly like  D. Scarlatti piano E major K 380  (L23) (i dont know what those numbers mean but it is the second tune he play)s...i was particularly impressed when he petted the piano when he came out...

"What is the most important way to understand a piece of music, by a deep analysis of it's content out side time, understanding the mechanics of its composition, or by the circumstances that brought it into being?" "What matters in Music" Nicholas Kenyon

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