Wednesday, March 22, 2023

"Whoso diggeth a pit..."

 I remember when i took this image and can still smell the fir forest on a wet day in the coastal range in oregon...

decided to get in on the AI developing an app. i will call CHAT will make you a bacon/lettuce/ and tomato sandwich and engage you in witty repartee (without making you look bad)...this is going to be big!

 i did not get arrested yesterday either so after 30 years of being criminalized i suppose more new and exciting accusations must be manufactured to keep me in the SUSPECT list...i

 have been gearing up to move back into the truck after nearly three months of living in the aquarium...surrounded by what appears to be mutant sleuths and lazy spies...this is the longest i have been inside in 15 years..

i would like to recommend a DVD called "SINATRA DUETS" (2002) and a particular favorite of mine is the video of F.Sinatra singing "Nice work if you can get it" with Peggy many if not most female singers perform in their skivies (underwear) perhaps to enhance their respiration...except Adele i notice likes to perform fully clothed...but she does have quite a potty mouth...and a spectacular singing voice...anyhow i think Ms. Lee is one of the most vivacious singers i have ever seen and this is a good example of it... 

"Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein."  Proverbs 26:27


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