Saturday, March 18, 2023

"The universe..."

 all over the world the battle between good and evil, darkness and light...

a correction to the Rimbaud/Verlaine tale  I was a victim of "...facetious memory"...if i had consulted my fat little biography book i could have given a more accurate account of the relationship... according to the bio-book Verlaine was upset about Rimbaud leaving and he shot him in the wrist...Rimbaud call the cops on him and Verlaine spent 2 years in prison...but he wrote some good poetry about his experience...Rimbaud went off on some adventures but slavery was not mentioned... speaking of bad memory we will now be cursed with an onslaught of social media from the late commander in chief seeking to be the next commander in chief...we are DOOMED!...the twisted timber of humanity which surrounds me is probably responsible for the theft of my truck keys...alas and alak ol' blue may be the victim of  truck-napping...and i will be left to wander the world with my lantern in hand searching for that honest person that does not far as the advantages of reading go Samuel Johnson was a big believer in reading...and he was famous for being well read...however i came across this fellow named JAMES BRINDLEY (1716-1772) who was an english engineer who "contrived" a pump to pump the water out of a coal mine, he redesigned a silk mill and several other well known engineering feats but he remained illiterate until he died...when he came across a particularly difficult problem he went to bed and thought about it until he solved it...TIC TOC is in the news quite a bit these days...never seen it myself...never read a blog...never read anything on Facebook as a matter of fact i have never looked at any other social media...but i might...i read where one billy eyelash dumped all of her social media accounts so i looked her up on google and wiki says she is a singer songwriter and apparently a mover and shaker type...i think a lot of people get sucked into online advertisement of themselves...i get way more attention than i readership has gone up to 12 but i realized that i have quadro-phrenia  which is twice as bad a schizophrenia (thanks Pete) and there are only 6 people who read this blog (which is twice as many as there used to be) but two of those people are institutionalized in a facility for the criminally insane and four of the readers are undercover agents for various nefarious covert agencies...i dont like to be too critical of the intelligence folks but it seems to me that "...they consume labor disproportionate to their utility..."i hear where $250 million bucks might be set aside to pay public defenders to represent folks who can not afford a lawyer...i read where about 80% of all persons charged with crimes never go to court but "plea-bargain" with the judges. the district attorneys office is the department of government that files charges and takes the plead bargain so they have a lot of power...i hear the new attorney general of errorzona a Miss May (not to be confused with Miss Moo) and she decided not to prosecute the former attorney general as she felt even thought he "dropped the hose" i suppose it would generate more heat than light...i hear where 10 million people in africa are at risk of starvation...there is a fellow named norman borlaug who won a nobel prize for developing food crops that make more than twice as much food...i think rice was his specialty...he said that more people would be born...only to die from other causes such as drought etc...yep the reality is that history will not be kind in remembering out my "History of Films" by John L. Fell his account of japanese film making refers to pornography...i was wondering about how long that culture has been in that vein of film making...there are some distinctive characteristics of their participation in porn...a few weeks ago there was a report on the news about online porn on the news program "ON POINT" they said that about half of the illicit images were repeated from various sites...there is a DNA for photos but not for streaming and law gets about 32 million reports a year but the feds get about 3 thousand prosecutions a year (i did not hear how many convictions) what with the chemical injection i got to stop the testosterone my interest in porn viewing came to a screeching halt...i am going to join FARINELLI in the choir...never underestimate the effect chemicals can have on a persons mental state...i can recall four extremes in my mental state brought about by purposely ingested chemicals...the first a large psilocybin mushroom, later a hit of owsley stanley acid, then sertraline medication and now 45 mg of Leuprolide injected in the muscle....whoa buddy...everyone's body chemistry is different so cannot recommend any of them...just my own experiences...heaven and hell and the doors of perception...i watched a movie called "World without End"(1956) which is about people in a space ship that goes too fast and they travel in time to 2508 AD and land on earth and encounter one eyed future monsters and future people living underground...the men have pretty much wimped out and don't go outside but the future women are all babes and they sort of hit on the space/time travelers but the space/time travelers want to see the rest of the future planet and get is an interesting take on sci-fi...when i was watching the film credit an Alberto Vargas was credited with set scetches...when i was wandering down Geary street in san fransisco once i went into an art gallery featuring Vargas work...he is best know for his nude women in Playboy magazine but he used to be a set designer in argentina i think...he says that most of his models were his wife and his daughter...sounds kind of japanese...anyhow he may be responsible for the future babes in the film...

"The universe is non-simultaneously apprehended" R. Buckminster Fuller (unless youre the Buddha)


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