Saturday, February 17, 2024

"Intelligence is about awareness, and about testing ..."

 the rain in the desert has promoted the growth of the cactus and the flowers and the seeds...hooray!

i was shocked... SHOCKED! to hear of the death of alexei navalny at the hands of the russian prison system...not really...the man was stupid to return to russia and allow putin to finish the job of his assassination...putin did his thug and gangster...navalny dropped the ball big time...

i nearly died last week at the hands of flu germs...damn near shuffled off this mortal coil...lay prostate without eatting for three days...this seems to have hit the reset button for my body as well as my mind...then i went to the pharmacist and got three vaccines...a bit late...

 mardi gras came and went last week...i heard that 2.6 million tons of garbage was generated by this little party...maybe they should throw pot gummies and leave off with the plastic beads... 

i see where the usa is using the "knife of lichtenberg" to stop Israeli slaughter of the innocents...

"Intelligence is about awareness, and about testing responses in the head rather than the "real" world, where such activity may be time consuming, harmful, or fatal"  "Mind of the raven" chapter 25

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