Tuesday, February 6, 2024

"Sir, executions are intended to draw spectators..."

 sometimes simple is beautiful

waited for the deluge from the west...slept in the drivers side of the truck last night up near the interstate...no rain until this morning and not much...prefer to sleep poorly.(or very little) rather than be stuck in place with no exit...every now and then i have a flashback to my deckhand days and awake in the middle of the night screaming "GOD DAMN THAT BOW THRUSTER!" you had to be there i suppose...what we do to put gas in the tanks of our engines...anyhow i was going to take a picture of an opened dozen brown eggs with a sign on it that said "ALBUMEN OF THE YEAR" for BEYONCE...calm down mr."Z"...bought another guitar...all metal REGAL resonator..like new...$363 bucks...with a nice hard case...couldn't help myself ...once more let me say this "PAWN SHOPS. YARD SALES, THRIFT STORES AND FLEA MARKETS"...RECYCLE OR DIE!...there was an execution of a prisoner recently who had been in prison for over 30 years...nitrogen gas was used...his lawyer said it was cruel...whatever...there was a prisoner released recently who had served 38 years after being wrongly convicted...serious bummer..."Sir, executions are intended to draw spectators. If they do not draw spectators they don't answer their purpose. The old method was most satisfactory to all parties; the public was gratified by a procession: the criminal was supported by it."  Samuel Johnson

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