did someone in the american political system lose this!?
this is the state in which we will all eventually be...ashes to ashes dust to dust
listened to the so called debate between the two candidates for the chief executive job and might i mention commander in chief of the armed forces...etc etc etc...i was reminded of watching a demolition derby where old broken down vehicles speed around a dirt track and smash into one another trying to put each other out of the race...neither entertaining nor informative...."argumentum ad verecundian"
i watched a very engaging video on you tube @ cuddle buddies entitled "baby rhinos run up to girl for kisses and belly rubs"...i almost makes me cry with joy to see these magnificent animals well treated and loved...
another good video from the maker of "Cobra Gypsies" Raphael Treza called "Borneo Death Blow" is very well done and illustrates how these people have adapted perfectly to the environment they have lived in for thousands of years...all of Trezas video are great
i finished reading a biography of Paul Gauguin this week and i must say his "escape" from Paris to find his inspirational element was pretty interesting from a psychological aspect...all in all i am not sure if he was not just a megalomaniac...and also a painter...his relationship with crazy vincent van gogh was fraught with tension...but probably did not promote creative production in either of them...i have only seen one van Gogh painting up close and it was impressive...i saw a Gauguin sculpture in the new orleans museum of art and was not too favorably impressed...a decorated door i believe...
i you tubed most of the artist's mentioned in the biography and some of them i liked a lot...there was one painting i found especially interesting called "L'Origine du Monde" (1866) by Gustave Courbet
"Remember that a painting, before it is a workhorse, a naked woman, or an anecdote is essentially a plane surface covered with colors arranges in a particular order." Maurice Denis (art critic)