Thursday, June 13, 2024

"Dreams are the subtle Dower..."

animal hair nest found on the ground near last years ravens nest
cocoon like structure found at the very top of a pine tree which had fallen
very nice looking flower in the arid soil on the edge of the meadow

i picked up a book from the library sale shelf called "film and politics" published about 1960...very good information...the review of "Triumph of the Will" directed by a young woman named Leni Riefenstahl is a Nazi party propaganda shows a lot of large gatherings of people doing the group psychosis thing...which is always a good way to forget mentioned that "Unsere Fahne" is the battle song of the Nazi Youth ...good to know...i wonder what the battle song of the current Nazi Youth is..."Will" was Adolph Hitler's most frequently used word...according to this was pointed out that Hitler did not seize power...he was granted power and the folks in charge were described as a "gerontocracy"...whoa's deja vu all over again...

well after a smokey week i finally got away from the perma fires in the national forest...there was a spot with half a dozen small fires smoldering a hundred yards from where i was camped...i panicked when i first discovered them and poured a gallon of my drinking water on several of them ...this was a mistake... i finally fetched my shovel and shoveled dirt onto the smoking day there were only five smoldering fires in the pine needles...i spotted a couple of trucks with the government signs and they turned around and i approached them and said there were several small fires nearby...i asked if they wanted me to show them...the head guy said no (this guy had the physiognomy of a mountain gorilla...the widest back of any human  have ever seen) off they went down the road...gone for 45 minutes...i figured they had put a whoopin' on the fire...after they left i went to see what they had done...not a god- damned evidence of them ever having found the fires...desertion in the face of battle is what it was...i poured my piss jug on the fires for the next two days until there was no more smoke...

i read a good article which quoted a professor Stephen J. Pyne who has written 30 books about fires in nature...he says fire has altered the course of part because cooked meat gives more nutrition than raw meat so humans had more free time whatever humans do with their free personal observations make me believe that fire is not always the best way to deal with making a habitat more suitable...Pyne says ..."native americans routinely burned the landscapes-to foster the growth of useful plants, to clear up space for farming, and to improve the conditions for hunting... "well that great for the humans but most of the animals got burned in this deal...when i walked through the recently burned "landscape" i saw a lot of unusable land because all the organic matter was charcoal...i wonder how many species have been extincted by this method of making the landscape better for humans...too many...there are plants called "pyrophytes" which have a symbiotic relationship with morel mushrooms.

i hear where Apple has this new AI embedded in it's devices  which it calls "Intelligence"...scary as hell as far as i am concerned...crawls up your butt and explodes...very scary...

as of january 2023...russia has 5889 nuclear warheads...the USA has 5244 nuclear warheads...china has 410 nuclear warheads...france has 290 nuclear warheads...the UK has 225 nuclear warheads...according to Arms control association...well they ain't controlled a damn thing from what i can see! 

and if the usual pollution wasn't enough Ukraine is bombing the oil refineries in russia...yep we is going to get to the point of no return real soon...

 i found a film a while back called "Belle du Jour"...a french film about a woman who has an "unfulfilling"  sexual relationship with her successful husband... after some consideration she decides to work in a small neighborhood bordello...this film has english subtitles and the commentary should be listened to as the commentator has some things to say about the book from which the film was made...                               

"Dreams are the subtle Dower/ That make us rich an hour/ Then fling us poor/ Out of the purple door."   Emily Dickinson


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