Thursday, June 6, 2024

"Impotence takes on many forms..."

                                                                     bluebirds eat bugs
                                            horned lizards eat ants...this one has some ashes on it
                                   this is one of the many caterpillars that are out in the woods now
                                one of my favorite bugs...the long neck seems to be on several species

                                                         this is a  bug on bug encounter

 this is a tree which has apparently been struck by lightning...and not the largest tree around either

well the heat is on...temps in the 90's today and probably going to get hotter as the season progresses...i went and looked at the prescribed burns in the national forest which was done a couple of weeks ago...not a pretty sight...all the pine needles are ashes and some of the pine trees are scorched to death also...the habitat for anything that lives near the ground is gone...the insectivores are out of luck and out of lunch...

so i heard that the u.n. committee on climate change says earthlings have 18 months to stop the carbon in the atmosphere...or what?...all the ice is going to melt...even the ice in your freezer at home...and then rains, and tornados and hurricanes and very high temperatures and generally nasty times...still have not heard anyone say anything about TOO MANY PEOPLE!...  

I thought i had found a great place to live...the Marianas trench realty company  was looking for residence and the only qualification was "no bone"...that's me!...but as it turns out i misunderstood, the  qualification is "no bones"... well i guess can unpack my waterproof bag and keep looking...

a little reality check is in order for the Gaza/Israel conflict...i read a good article on the large business holdings of Hamas and how they finance their rather dumb aggressions against woman said that Hamas is willing to fight "to the last woman and child"...she said their leaders are not suffering as they have luxury accommodations all around the world...well it is certain that Netanyahu's description of the action that Israel has taken is "historic" is a year, ten years, a hundred years there will be people who will be seeking revenge for what Israel is doing to thousands of non-combatants...

a new woman president in mexico...she got her PhD in environmental science at the university of california at berkley is time to install ms K. Harris as the democratic presidential candidate...

picked up a DVD of a television series which was on for only one season called "Quarry"... i watched it a year or so ago and was stunned by the emotional impact...there are no hero's in this is about a vietnam vet who returns home to tennessee  only to find himself without employment opportunities and he is recruited to do what he was doing in vietnam...kill people...the male lead is a fellow named logan marshall-green...he as a sweaty greasy lovely wife is put to the test...the director of photography is Pepe Avila Del Pino...and the photography is great...

"Impotence takes on many forms-one of them being the reckless physical expenditure of physical potency."      Joyce Carrol Oats

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