Friday, July 12, 2024

"Old style thinking..."

never ending confrontations with the humanoid segment of society

much of the news i hear recently has to do with whether the current chief executive and commander in chief is..WHAT!...some say the man is too old...age has nothing to do with the mans in-articulate mutterings...i suggest you go the the ralph nader radio hour and listen to mr nader speak articulately...and while you are at it listen to what mr nader has to say about the industrial hemp business and how many chinese are in this country working on farms...without green cards i assume...i also read that 30 million acres of farmland in this country is owned by non-americans...and there are about 30,000 people from Senegal who have come here in the last 2 years....serious over site on the part of national security... i read the immigrants are 37% more likely to start a business...thats good...for business i suppose...i heard the former head of NATO (i think) talking about the election and she kept referring to D.Trump as if he was already elected president...this morning NPR commentators kept saying that the POLLS show the two candidates (dont you hate that..two! damned candidates) were almost tied...well i remember very well the day of the 2016 election and the same radio people said the polls showed that ms. clinton had a 85% chance of winning...but when i awoke at midnight mr trump was stepping up to the podium to take the know stephen hawking was well respected and he did not speak at all...but he was pretty damned bright...i am reminded of the two knights in a monty python skit where one of the knights gets his arm cut off,,,then his other arm...then one leg and he is hopping around screaming that it is "only a flesh wound".... yep biden aint hurt bad it is only a flesh wound...and maybe a head wound too....

"Old style thinking insists on fixed concepts, certainties and absolutes. These are processed by means of traditional logic, and the answers are treated with the logic as such, but the emphasis is on the perfection of the processing and not on the basic concepts used, Another important danger is the smugness that follows perfect logic and excludes the search for new ideas and better approaches."       PO: beyond yes and no (1972)


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