christmas in the desert was calm...spent the day in the truck/home out of the wind watching DVDs and You Tube and reading...and eating... i watched one of the chapters in Bart Ehrmans lectures on the new testament 0f the christian bible...a very interesting account of the life and teachings of jesus of nazareth written by a fellow named Luke who was an educated greek and never met jesus ,,,about 50 years after jesus death luke used existing information to document what he found out...professor ehrman is quite knowledgable about writings about "christanity"...another chapter in this collection is about early judaism and he mentions the pharisees, the sadducees, the essenes and what he calls the "fourth philosophy" which is the important link to what is happening in israel/palistine today...well it seems the "fouth philosophy" folks were radical real estate cult folks and thought the romans had no right to rule "judea" since somewhere in their religious "book" (like the moslems and the christians the jews are called "people of the book") anyhow they constantly harassed the romans and anyone who did not adhere to the jewish right to rule the real estate in question...the romans eventually kicked their ass and took their sacred loot from the today this real estate cult has decided that from here to there (i think from the "river to the sea" is the term they use) is once again to be theirs exclusively...i expect it will only get messier in that part of the world....
i watch the thick smoke regularly coming from the mexican side of the border and might write a letter to the new mexican president who has a doctorate in environmental science stuff and ask her to find a better solution to garbage stinks!...i
heard that jeff bezos plans a $600 million dollar wedding...does the term "compensate" seem relevant...the 300 foot yacht seems a good place to honeymoon...
listened to some good philosophy lectures also..."How quantum physics affects your everyday life" by max planck was very stimulating as was jean baudrillards "Radical disenchantment"...pretty heavy thinking going on here so i have had to listen several times...but worth it...
went to mexico yesterday to have my teeth cleaned and yet another tooth hundred whole jaw hurt most of yesterday but it is much better today...
got up about 5am this morning and watched the farm report which everyone should watch every now and then...100% of people eat but a very small percentage of people have any idea of what effects food is amazing how global weather conditions effect food prices here...
"Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit"... Ralph Waldo Emerson