so i have not reviewed these videos yet but i think they are from from last week and were captured at my present campsite which is about a mile south/south west from where a few years ago i got some videos with the CUDDY game camera of a canid with a bad this animal seems to have...i assumed the canine was shot dead as i heard gunshots shortly after the animal left...there seems to be two individuals in these 3 videos...i think these animals are not coyotes or at least not pure coyotes but there are people who have much more experience than myself in identifying this is a very few miles from mexico (less than 10) this may be a mexican gray wolf...
i have heard buzz today about these videos in the grocery and as i already know the extent to which some folks have gone to steal my game camera videos i am not surprised...i need to buy a few locks and lock up the access to my cameras...also i need to drag myself into the 21st century and get a VPN life is being stolen at an increasing rate...i see where there is a FACEBOOK account now with my first name and my last name and a period in between....HOLY MOLY...i hope no one has responded to this account thinking that person is the writer of this blog...since my readership is now skyrocketed to nearly 12 people again and i am still trying to get it up to 15 people i hope the facebook account dies a natural death and if whoever has started this account tries to appear to be me i will go to the feds...(i doubt if the FBI is going to be shot down by mr Kash) to appropriate a persons identity is a felony...
also i saw a video simply labeled "canada geese Mp4" this is a video i took on the western side of eugene oregon some years ago at a spot i used to go every morning before a matter of fact this road is listed as my address on my oregon drivers license...the drivers license people know a lot of people live in their vehicles and just ask where you park at muss no fuss...the very sad story about this wonderful sight of a lot of canada geese flying is that i asked if these geese still come to this supposed to be protected spot and i was told they do not...i suspect that the fact that a fellow decided to open a Frisbee course nearby and the nearby residents decided they should be able to walk their dog right across this property has something to do with the geese not returning to this spot...
i suspect the fact that it took 3 hours to do the 45 minute job of installing my new tires is a result of a bunch of outlaws combing my truck for anything they could steal...such as nearly a terabyte of photography...yeah i better post my photos so anyone can download them who wants to use them or print them...
i watched some good movies and youtube recently..."The Fast and the Furious" (1954) 76 minutes directed by the male co-star John by Floyd Crosby (Davids Daddy) and the jazz music by the chet baker quartet...the real star is the Jaguar automobile which appears to be a 1954 Jaguar XK120...this is featured in a Jay leno car segment...he loves this car and gushes over this model the second auto he ever owned,,,a man who indulges his pleasures
"No sane man can afford to dispense with debilitating pleasures. No ascetic can be considered reliably sane." A. J.Liebling
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