Saturday, February 15, 2025

"In a democracy such as ours..."

 descriptions of images in order from top to bottom...i am kneeling down and i see specks on the sand ...them i pick one of the specks up and determine that it is pretty hard...then i see more specks near by and pinch the top and realize that it is hollow beneath...and under the specks is like a piece of felt...compressed web i believe...this hole picture is a return to get a close-up with a different lens...the webbing is more noticeable...the next two images are un-identified objects in the sky which i presume are a launch if some company's rocket...there were smaller flair-ups which might have been parts of the rocket being jettison...the last image is the specks after soaking in water over night...

well hells-a-poppin in government now...bill gates who is a pretty straight shooter said he though government was about 10% to 15% too big also...i dont want to be a MUSKOVITE necessarily but musk does not not need a vote or a dollar and not many people can say that... i highly recommend that you listen to thoreau's "Civil Disobedience" and "Life without Principal"...i think he would have approved of the current approach to government reduction...i read where there has been about a $260 billion dollar overpay by the federal government....that's a lot of school lunches! and the 60 million dollar snatch back from FEMA for housing "asylum seekers" in NEW YORK city is music to my ears...what the hell kind of a person goes to russia with cannabis fogel has pretty bad risk to reward  judgment....i watched some pretty good science presentations on youtube this week such as "10 minute neuro-science; visual pathways" and also "synaptic pruning" by alila medical...there was a good interview called "Neil Young talks about how media divides the USA"...also "What if all the worlds biggest problems have the same solution"(24 min)

"In a democracy such as ours military policy is dependent on public opinion" G.C Marshall (1943)

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