Friday, February 7, 2025

"Th future of humanity..."

$3.50 ECCO YAK shoes from my savil row tailor Paul de St. Vincent
never seen this size hole before
sun rose about 5 minutes after 7 this morning
view to the west with sand dunes and mountains
saw three of these birds on the lawn at laundryvill last week...nice looking birds

lots of news this week...i guess the commander in chief really likes multi-tasking....i am keeping a backpack packed and ready just in case the poop hits the fan... watched a very good youtube presentation by PETE BEINART on DEMOCRACY NOW entitled  "Being Jewish after the destruction of Gaza"...he brings in a lot of historical context and is probably not antisemitic...probably...someone said something about the Palestinians being sub-human...i think that many of them are feral...too long away from a civilized community...i was listening to a woman who wrote a book about ending the war in Ukraine which made me think of this song by Johnny Cash called "GOD BLESS ROBERT E. LEE" dont judge it until you hear it...i read the rolling stone with the interview with kid rock which was interesting...i dont have any of his music but i saw him in a willie nelson dvd with jerry lee lewis was very appreciative of mr rocks support...i think there was an advertisement for some shoes with a mr. s. dogg being the supporter of this brand...therefore i though it was a good idea to give an alternative option (and i don't mean to be braggadocios) but i bought 3 pairs of shoes for about ten bucks total which are very comfortable and sturdy...i keep getting an ad online to 'shop like a millionaire" that stupid or what! used!...i watched an episode of "Nero Wolfe"  last night which indicates the time period is WW two not the 1950's...i think this current administration of the federal government will prompt the use of deep-seek of some other AI source to run most of government...

"The future of humanity depends on how many people achieve individuation"   Carl Jung

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