Monday, December 26, 2011


"Entrap- to involve in difficulties or distresses; to catch or involve in contradictions."
Blacks law dictionary

"A person is guilty of criminal coercion if, with purpose to unlawfully restrict anothers freedom of action to his detriment, he threatens to; accuse anyone of a criminal offense; or expose any secret tending to subject any person to hatred, contempt or ridicule, or to impair his credit or business repute."
Blacks law dictionary

got that?
obviously as a society we have decided to overlook these
little rules which make life tolerable

on any given day i hear the comment "i got you"
numerous times
why is that?
it is because slowly
culture has been reduced to the scramble of
people engaged in cannibalism
consume your neighbor
business competitor
once friends
whom ever you need to consume to "get your stuff"

  •  Thucydides observations of ancient athens at the time of
Pericles death gives a startlingly familiar account of society turned cannibal

we must
"Learn the luxury of doing good."  Oliver Goldsmith

 i'll go upon my "guilty" way

mr. cayetano

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

“I am in point of fact,...


needed to get that out

awoke after an uneventful nights sleep
except for bishop mike telling me to get out
i will appeal to the pope of course
then off to “the job” 
   i am always welcomed with open arms
everywhere i go
small arms
some art-tillery
grenades such as that
 took an early lunch
signed out and
went to the storage

i needed to get that out

where I picked up my laundry and went
to the launderette 
then to the thrift store next door while
laundry was washing

I needed to get that out

one washer kaput
took an extra 29 minutes

read this bit of wisdom while waiting

“Every form of addiction is bad, no matter
whether the narcotic be alcohol or
morphine or idealism.”  Carl Jung

i am surrounded by addicts
set upon by addicts
hounded by addicts
of every stripe
i wonder why?
“ I attack and criticize people myself; I have
no right to expect lenience in return.” Christopher Hitchens

chris is on to something there

the advantage i have is that my views get out there
the disadvantage i have is…my views get out there

i had been thinking about many of the people 
i encounter daily
so many seem to be just trying to survive
struggling not to sink into despair
stressed all the time

and wondered if anyone who
is in a position to help 
has any idea that
people are not guilty of poverty

"...the structure of our incredibly influenced by our
surrounding. Under stress the brain begins to starve. It
stops creating new cells. The cells it already has retreat inward. 
The mind is disfigured."  Elizabeth Gould Prof. psychology
                                          Princeton University

“love can defeat that nameless terror.”  Edward Abby

 thanks ed
“I am in point of fact, a particularly haughty and exclusive person, of pre-Adamite ancestral descent. You will understand this when I tell you that I can trace my ancestry back to a protoplasmal primordial atomic globule.”

                                                         “Sir W. S. Gilbert
got to go
mr. cayetano

Friday, December 16, 2011

In the councils of government

A little woozy today
must have been something i ate
inside joke

but not to drugged and fatigued to write

listening to the news on the radio again
heard a mom talking about hard times
she did not have enough money to
buy her teen-aged daughters a coat for winter
she started to cry on air
i had to laugh out loud
i just bought a fleece vest for 75 cents
pretty nice, name brand
i wonder if the newly poor people have figured out
how to shop at the yard sales
i guess they will, or be cold this winter
this lady is in houston
i have shopped at a lot of yard sales
and the several flea markets in houston
plenty of good coats for less than 5 bucks

then I heard about this “well know activist’ who torched
not a building
not a military site
radio said they were not sure what he was protesting
maybe he was cold
I wonder if the girls from houston could
warm themselves on his flames
didn’t know what he was protesting!
should have stayed alive and helped to
pick up some trash
lifetimes worth of work there
some people make a mess
some people clean messes up

listening to butthole surfers now
sort of makes me cynical
library lady said I was stealing music
when I down load it into my computer
i’ll turn myself in to the nearest policeman

politics much in the news
squirmin’ herman k.o.’d
the newtster making enemies in his own camp
read this quote and thought of the newt

“He uses statistics as a drunken man uses a lamp post-
for support rather than illumination.” Andrew Lang

and mitt
what was that ten grand bet thing about
hey, mitt, you look ridiculous if you
think the 99 percent can relate to your
privileged rich up-bringing and life style
and I think mormons aren’t supposed to bet

“We are never made as ridiculous through the qualities
we have as through those we pretend to have.” La Rochefoucauld

check your pockets citizens
just lost a bit of change
did you notice
662 billion bucks for the new defense budget
that’s a lot of education
or a lot of environmental help
are we stupid or what
the only country that wants to invade us has done so
get over it

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic process. We should take nothing for granted.
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1961)

off to the comfort!?
of my inside bed

"things are seldom what they seem.
skim milk masquerades as cream."  W.S. Gilbert

mr. cayetano

Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Very few things happen at the right time,

kind of fatigued today
was purposely kept awake last night
i thought some of my room-mates were snakes
turns out they are worms
honest mistake

 had a 4 bag glass of green tea for breakfast
kept me going
rode the bike today, as yesterday
parked at  "wombat park on the pond"
famous for homo-sexualites apparently
everybody says so
didn't see any.
 lascivious, lewd , lunging
guys licking their lips and lurking.
but i was there to ride the bike
when i returned from the circumnavigation of the
pond yesterday some sad, pathetic shaved headed
ninny did his "desperado assassin act"
pulled back the breach of his imaginary pistol
meant to alarm me
and i was alarmed at how moronic people can be
wow, exciting air pistols! bang, fuckin, bang!

i will admit i might have upset some of the locals
what with my observations of "slap stick village"

"We cheat the other guy, and pass the savings on to you."

this is the motto here
it's the bible thumpers that seem to be the worst

listening to "the newtster" being quoted on the radio
"invented people" seems to have upset some folks
the americans are an invented people too
invented from all the peoples of the globe that came here
the mexicans are invented too, from the native tribes and the spanish
and the australians, invented from the people who went there
even the aboriginals, there for 45 thousand  years, came from
north africa, 60 thousand years ago.
we were all invented by way of being from somewhere else
but newt is a historian, he knows that.
he likes to invent too.

i think too many people in this  country are looking for someone else to do
their thinking for them
i found this great simple poem which has bit of genius in it
written by a very smart and funny man.

Yesees and Noees- by Shel Silverstein

"The Yesees said yes to anything
That anyone suggested
The Noees said no to everything
Unless it was proven and tested
So the Yesees all died of much to much
And the Noees all died of fright
But somehow I think the Thinkforyourselfees
All came out alright."

 "Very few things happen at the right time, and the rest do not happen at all;
the conscientious historian will correct these defects."  Herodotus (484-425 BCE)

got to go,
mr. cayetano

Sunday, December 4, 2011

the best thing about being in a fairly remote spot by the
bayou for a few days is that
there seems to be a distance from you and "society"
it's nice
but even though i had to hold the antenna wire this way and that
to get radio reception i got to listen to "the latest news"

 one thing i asked myself when i kept hearing
all this information about candidate cain was
"what in the hell was that guy thinking about"
where do these republicans get these "auto de fe"
candidates from?

this is certainly becoming "delusional nation"
no matter how i do the math, and i did not use
a calculator, i can't figure out how the current
commander in chief gets to be called "african american"
i'm going to refer to him as barack O'Bama the irish american
president. and i will just as correct as the others.
mixed race is a mis-leading but more correct term.
for some people these terms are "beneath the threshold
of indifference".
but it only adds to the reality of americas capacity to
embrace delusional ideas.

now the "newtster" has claimed the booby prize by default
this fellow certainly has a "fertile mind"
unfortunately when his brain was composting it obviously
left some parts un-digested and so now substantial chunks of
garbage remain intact in his grey matter.
i have done a lot of "janitorial" type work
it is not shameful to do janitorial work, unless you do it
but the "newtster" seems to think that one size fits all.
poor people do menial work
wealthy people do...what more substantial work?
 people are more delusional about "employment"
than about any other aspect of their lives.
we do not need more jobs.
we need less people.
 take the work that needs to be done (not non-essential work)
divide it among the people capable of doing it.
 pay for their food. shelter and education.
anything else they may want, let them seek other employment.
until society has re-thunk the employment necessity we will always
have this problem.
i heard this week that if the top 15% of students in china are "exceptional"
then they have more "exceptional" students than usa has students.
that's a lot of brain power.
but there are relatively few american citizens who immigrate to china

 i went to have the ankle inspected by the ankle expert again.
more x-rays, more re-cuperation in store.
as i sat in the waiting room,  i listened to some ladies
speaking about their extreme pleasure in watching the
local university sports team in action.
any team, any sport will about do for the purpose of
illustrating my point.
endorphins, adrenaline induced endorphins.
i don't think sports fans give too much of a damn
about the team, it's the adrenaline addiction that
keeps them going back. rah!
i would like to see an academic study which lists
the bio-chemistry of sports fans before, during and after a game.

when i had been inspected by the ankle doctor i ambled over
to the elevator and pushed the down button.
a woman person came over and got into the elevator with me
she said, in not too cryptic language, "there will be no open windows for you"
uh oh.
girl power has spoken.
i was told some years ago that
"the women are more organized"
a gangster type fellow imparted this information to me in
a foreign nation.
at the time it did not mean much.
but i get his point.
a woman in n.o. told me, without much ceremony, that i would be
"pushed down into the gutter and stepped on".
it didn't mean much to me at the time, but i get the point.
i'm not one much for "joining the club"
not much of a member.
don't have the wardrobe for it really.
i'm not a "colored person"
any color is fine with me.
it has cost me some money to be an "outsider" but
i sleep o.k.

well, i've timed out
got to go
mr. cayetano

Friday, November 25, 2011

"the sexes"

"the  sexes are living we might say...

i spent a reasonably quiet turkey day by the bayou
backed the suite van into the trees and spread out the
chair and books and music and food box and sat.
rode the bike up and down the levee a few times too.
listened to the pundits on the radio. mostly politics.

so some folks are going to "occupy" some real estate
in down town "slap stick village"
i thought about driving to the place and observing what
the local constabulary were going to do about such a
blatant show of...well, whatever it is they are trying to blatantly show.
what seems to me to be happening is that the 99% folks expect the
elected officials to make the financial institutions, and business owners
agree to make less money on their services and products.
ain't gonna happen.
why would they quit charging all they can?
the only workable solution is to CO-OPERATE
that is start a cooperative.
a banking co-op
a housing co-op
a university co-op
etc.etc. etc.
you are going to have to pay to Cesar
what is Cesar's. been going on for, well a long, long time.
i think the reality is that it is not 99% of the people
who are dis-satisfied.
i'll tell you why.

over the years i have noticed as i go about my working life
as a laboring type mostly,
that there are certain business that have
avoided competition, shall we say.
i remember one fellow who had a small building behind the
woodworking business where i was employed.
he was in the wedge business.
wooden wedges
they were delivered to his door by the rail car full
they were Chinese cedar
they smelled like eucalyptus to me.
on a regular basis the rail car would arrive and he would unload the
rail car with a fork lift and stack those pallets of Chinese cedar wedges in
his warehouse.
little wedges that are used in construction to shim up window
frames and door jams to make them level.
he had an exclusive "deal" on those wedges.
he had "international contacts" which put him in
a very favorable business position.
and he made substantial money.
the wood working shop had a similar deal.
the fact is these business persons had military
and intelligence backgrounds and contacts.
and guess where they got their financing
not from the banks!
nope, that money appeared out of the fog,
like magic.
i have paid a lot of attention to certain aspects of the
businesses where i have labored and i'll be damned if
there aren't a substantial number of businesses that seemed to
have a "most favored" status.
you can't compete with these businesses and i'll
tell you why.  they just dis-appear into the fog.
i'll give an illustration of a smaller  scale but equally favored business.
i ran into a fellow who was renting a storage unit in the same place
i was renting one near the coast in california.
he was selling "artifacts" from his storage unit.
anthropological type statuary, masks and that sort of thing.
he had plenty of them.
i looked at quite a few of them and he said they were from
south america.
i said i thought they were more australia/oceana looking.
he looked grim and said nothing.
i went to my storage unit and spent a few  hours there and
when i returned to this fellows storage unit he had emptied it
and put all the stuff into his large moving van and was headed for the gate.
he was a fellow with "international connections" and an international crook.
so it seems whether you are talking about a storage unit of illegal
artifacts or a multi-million dollar  business, if you have "connections"
you probably like the economic situation just like it is.
see these people co-OPERATE!
and until there is a co-operative  effort on the part
of the economically "deprived" there is not a snowballs
chance in hell that the "bought" portion of government
is going to change the way things are done.
now, occupying various and assorted places has pretty
much deteriorated into an "occupiers" verses "constabulary"
exercise and the result will be nil,  and people who are not
anarchist will be disgusted that the message has been lost.
so, since we do live in a society which will allow co-operative
ventures, and we do live in a society which has a goodly amount
of electronic communication,  some knowledgeable and talented
folks might begin by starting a bank, 'cause my money is in
a wal-mart card and i don't like the "rate" i have to pay
to keep up my account and i'll be damned if i am going to
occupy wal-mart any more than i already do!
and i'll risk my little pile of coins as a depositer
in the co-op bank.

"It is not right to want to heal the suffering of people without
committing to fight the very causes of this suffering."  jean-paul sartre

i did not spend all my time thinking about business and money
or the lack there-of.
i listened to my "history of science in the 20th century" tapes and had a "revelatory"
experience. i have listened to these tapes maybe 20 times by now.
so the author (dr. goldman) is explaining about how "relationships"
are probably more important than "things"
but not like personal relationships but relationships like
between energy, matter, space, time and gravity.
 i have heard all this before, and he has 18 hours
of explaining how things appear to work from quarks up to
the universe and all the many permutations.
but suddenly as i sit there looking out across the bayou at the
willow trees and the cormorants and the black squirrel that has been
playing and feeding for the last couple of hours,  and i feel really high.
the trees seem to shimmer in light. things are a unity.
then i remember what ram dass said "the object is not to GET high
the object is to BE high."
and i felt like the time spent to get to that particular insight was time well  spent.

"The things we choose express our values" -some anonymous chef on the radio

i also thought about women's titties.
i didn't feel high about it or anything though.
actually i had bought a book at a yard sale for 35 cents
about clothing through the ages.
back in pre-roman and greek times there was a society
in which the women wore clothing which did not cover their breasts.
one would imagine that the men did not riot or commit fornication
in the streets but took it in stride as "just fashion"
what i was thinking was how "social fictions" have so much effect
on the population and how to not adhere to social custom, however
absurd, might cost a person their freedom or their life.
it's kind of frightening.

"...the sexes are living, we might say, in a vast communal neurosis; a
highly contagious neurosis which parents pass on to their children
and men and women pass on to each other. "  Olga Knopf
                                                                      'The art of being a woman" 1932

well it took a while,
but the circus finally came to town!
mr. caytetano