Monday, December 26, 2011


"Entrap- to involve in difficulties or distresses; to catch or involve in contradictions."
Blacks law dictionary

"A person is guilty of criminal coercion if, with purpose to unlawfully restrict anothers freedom of action to his detriment, he threatens to; accuse anyone of a criminal offense; or expose any secret tending to subject any person to hatred, contempt or ridicule, or to impair his credit or business repute."
Blacks law dictionary

got that?
obviously as a society we have decided to overlook these
little rules which make life tolerable

on any given day i hear the comment "i got you"
numerous times
why is that?
it is because slowly
culture has been reduced to the scramble of
people engaged in cannibalism
consume your neighbor
business competitor
once friends
whom ever you need to consume to "get your stuff"

  •  Thucydides observations of ancient athens at the time of
Pericles death gives a startlingly familiar account of society turned cannibal

we must
"Learn the luxury of doing good."  Oliver Goldsmith

 i'll go upon my "guilty" way

mr. cayetano

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