Sunday, December 4, 2011

the best thing about being in a fairly remote spot by the
bayou for a few days is that
there seems to be a distance from you and "society"
it's nice
but even though i had to hold the antenna wire this way and that
to get radio reception i got to listen to "the latest news"

 one thing i asked myself when i kept hearing
all this information about candidate cain was
"what in the hell was that guy thinking about"
where do these republicans get these "auto de fe"
candidates from?

this is certainly becoming "delusional nation"
no matter how i do the math, and i did not use
a calculator, i can't figure out how the current
commander in chief gets to be called "african american"
i'm going to refer to him as barack O'Bama the irish american
president. and i will just as correct as the others.
mixed race is a mis-leading but more correct term.
for some people these terms are "beneath the threshold
of indifference".
but it only adds to the reality of americas capacity to
embrace delusional ideas.

now the "newtster" has claimed the booby prize by default
this fellow certainly has a "fertile mind"
unfortunately when his brain was composting it obviously
left some parts un-digested and so now substantial chunks of
garbage remain intact in his grey matter.
i have done a lot of "janitorial" type work
it is not shameful to do janitorial work, unless you do it
but the "newtster" seems to think that one size fits all.
poor people do menial work
wealthy people do...what more substantial work?
 people are more delusional about "employment"
than about any other aspect of their lives.
we do not need more jobs.
we need less people.
 take the work that needs to be done (not non-essential work)
divide it among the people capable of doing it.
 pay for their food. shelter and education.
anything else they may want, let them seek other employment.
until society has re-thunk the employment necessity we will always
have this problem.
i heard this week that if the top 15% of students in china are "exceptional"
then they have more "exceptional" students than usa has students.
that's a lot of brain power.
but there are relatively few american citizens who immigrate to china

 i went to have the ankle inspected by the ankle expert again.
more x-rays, more re-cuperation in store.
as i sat in the waiting room,  i listened to some ladies
speaking about their extreme pleasure in watching the
local university sports team in action.
any team, any sport will about do for the purpose of
illustrating my point.
endorphins, adrenaline induced endorphins.
i don't think sports fans give too much of a damn
about the team, it's the adrenaline addiction that
keeps them going back. rah!
i would like to see an academic study which lists
the bio-chemistry of sports fans before, during and after a game.

when i had been inspected by the ankle doctor i ambled over
to the elevator and pushed the down button.
a woman person came over and got into the elevator with me
she said, in not too cryptic language, "there will be no open windows for you"
uh oh.
girl power has spoken.
i was told some years ago that
"the women are more organized"
a gangster type fellow imparted this information to me in
a foreign nation.
at the time it did not mean much.
but i get his point.
a woman in n.o. told me, without much ceremony, that i would be
"pushed down into the gutter and stepped on".
it didn't mean much to me at the time, but i get the point.
i'm not one much for "joining the club"
not much of a member.
don't have the wardrobe for it really.
i'm not a "colored person"
any color is fine with me.
it has cost me some money to be an "outsider" but
i sleep o.k.

well, i've timed out
got to go
mr. cayetano

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