Monday, June 23, 2014

"My specialty is living..."

                                           your brain on vegetables

something i picked up yesterday
looks like a dried armadillo brain
but it is not
i need to make a retraction
i took a photo of a plane
i thought it was a drone
because i am stupid
there are only three people who
have ever read this blog
a police woman
sex crimes division
a lawyer
out of work
and a retarded person
the lawyer said
that is a commercial plane
and we will sue you if you
do not make a retraction
but just to show i have nothing
against drones i will make an
argument in favor of drones
within the last year there was
a research plane which crashed
and the two researchers were killed
they were doing wildlife surveys
probably these surveys could have been
done with one of those 300 dollar
4 electric motor 2 camera drones
they sell online
lots of work can be done with these
drones which will make people safer
so go learn to fly a drone

i heard of a gathering of friends of ken
last week
or was it just a prank
i read some of kens writing
i watched some of kens films
i just dont like pranks
someone said that not many people
showed up for the ken gathering
they said it was because ken is a has been
those who say that are
never were's
mr ken has a solid place in literature
and a more solid place in as an influential
thinker and person who sought to advance
societies world view
he said himself he wanted to live a life
be a person of action
and not just a writer
he was a person of a lot of action
and he made a difference
thanks ken

was making the rounds this morning
snatching cans and bottles
always stop at the bridge to see what
kind of trash is floating in the backwash
yep several plastic bottles
i jump the fence to get them
i disturb a hornets nest
they sting my sorry self
i grab the trash and toss it ashore
i jump the fence again
they sting me some more
no good deed goes unpunished
actually because i usually feel
superior when i pick up trash
the hornets were probably saying
here ego boy hows about some comedown
then a hundred yards down the sidewalk
the tires go left
i go right
and the cans and bottles come down
between us
i walk over to the can 50 yards away
which is where i was headed when i
fell flat
i carry on
the baskets are filled now
a local detective suggests i go to
the college to get cans
he says there are a lot of cans there
these folks like to send me places
where i can be put under suspicion of
doing some heinous crime
i camp in the mountains for a week
within hours of my return to town
i am pulled over by the local constabulary
officer mumbles
running a red light
it was yellow
he sniffs the van
looks around for incriminating evidence
gets all my papers wet in the rain
not guilty
anyhow being a suspect can be a very
trying experience
for these last 20 years or so i have
been much suspected
but eventually i learned that it is
all a part of the game
i learned that from folks like
mr ken

still it is very distressing
to be constantly under harassment

but i dont feel like selling out

"My specialty is living said
a man (who could not earn his bread
because he would not sell his head)

squads right impatiently replied
two billion pubic lice inside
one pair of trousers (which had died)
               e.e. cummings # 51

got to go
wash my pants
mr cayetano



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