Monday, September 10, 2018

new post
a few minutes ago I posted a blog at another
blog site which is
much of my writing has been stolen over the past few years
and I decided to stop trying to post any blogs at all
the library has been about the only regular access to the
internet which I have had for the last 15 years or so
having been a residence of the "Suite Van" for 8 years
and a pickup truck befoer that
it is not expensive and I have been able to see some nice places
anyhow if you will read the moloch site you will see what I hope
to do which is post my photography online for free

I like to write and I have a lot of notes which have gone
un-written but I hope to  eventually get them online
but I do not want my life to revolve around a damned
computer screen or a lot of online time
I would rather spend my time outside and watching
nature    but I realize that if more people could see
what they are missing being outside then maybe more
people would take the time to get out there an enjoy it


thats all the time I want to
be online for now

i usually ended these blogs
with the name of a circus owner
from many years ago
a mr cayetano mariotini
but his family may be offended
by this use of his name
I dont mind being offensive but
I dont want to offend anybodys
so for now I will sign off
as the person for whom I am most
E.T.   cow political advisor
some people will know who this is
and some will not



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