Monday, July 15, 2019

"Life admits not of delays;..."

                                          Florida Cottonmouth= Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti

different from the other cotton-mouth snakes due to the extensive markings
beneath the mouth....the open mouth shows how this snake gets it's name

spotted a black (melanistic) fox squirrel in the road driving out this morning
and a pair of swallow-tailed kites swooping low over the road
I was too slow for pictures...
I recommend wildlife viewing in Florida as being always productive
however very hot and humid in the summer months. But a beach is
never far away.
A good thing unless you get dropped into the ocean
in a box.

"Life admits not of delays; when pleasure can be had, it is
fit to catch it. Every hour takes away part of the things
that please us, and perhaps part of our disposition to
be pleased."


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