Friday, August 2, 2019

"And the end of the fight..."

                                                    shore birds on Pensacola Bay

finally rented a campsite at the federal seashore
fort pickens...used to be over-run with raccoons and skunks
now the raccoons are much less
but the two legged skunks are very numerous

got the snorkel gear and loaded it on the bike
rode across the road to the beach
suited up and was amazed at how many fish there were
mostly mullet and some small fish with yellow tails
the small fish followed me around
perhaps thinking I was a manatee getting ready
to poop
or a big fish that would make a kill of a mullet and leave some
pieces behind for them
but I was just gliding around and enjoying the underwater
money and time well spent
bought a new camera at the pawn shop that is supposed to
be waterproof  to three feet deep   but I was afraid to put it in the water
anyhow I did see these shorebirds from the fishing pier and
thought they were a good subject
I just bought a new bird guide for 75 cents but did not look them
up I will call them the " long lipped stilt legs"

also did some "Pliking, or riding the bike and picking
up has become very popular in Europe...not
so much here yet...too much spandex I suppose

also looked up what the rules are about
the U.S. government recovered $2.6 billion dollars
in 2017 from fraudulent overcharges
and this is the good part
it paid $262 million dollars to people for helping
to prosecute the thieves
it is called the
QUI TAM or false claims act
first used in 1863 when it was reported
that folks were selling
ailing mules to the military
so when you think
more than 700 bucks a day is a bit much to
take care of a confiscated kid  at the border
just do some investigating and help prove
that we are are being robbed

"And the end of the flight is a tombstone white
       with the name of the late deceased.
And the epitaph dreer, "A fool lies here who
         tried to hustle the east."  Rudyard Kipling


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